The Return

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| Mike's POV |

The clock struck 12:00 am. Everyone anticipated to see El. That is if she's alive. I bit the skin of my nails till the bled,Paced around the room for a while and cried. "Dude Stop." Dustin broke he silence.

I rolled my eyes. "You don't understand." Nancy looked at Jonathan in worry. Will patted my back"she'll be okay I swear."  I nodded my head.

Lucas and Max were talking about her driving skills, Steve talked with Joyce, and Billy was still knocked out. I could only think the worse. It's been 3 hours.

A bright light gleamed from the windows almost blinding us. It was Hopper. Jonathan opened he door for me. I ran to Hopper who was taking her out of the car. I saw El who looked dead.

"Is she-" "No kid. She's drained." He carries her to Joyce's bedroom. We all followed. He gently placed her down on the bed. All I could do was smile. Everyone came into the room to see her.

Will was more surprised then us all. He saw the girl that saved him for the first time. I saw him walk to he side of the bed. "Hey El. I heard you were cool." I laughed through my tears.

"Me too." Max murmured. Her eyes slowly opened. I looked at her. I immediately felt a connection of electricity when I looked in her eyes.

"M-Mike?" I ran up to her. "Your here! You did it!" Another year fell from my right cheek. Her hand wiped my tear. Hopper walked in. "We all did it."

Nancy stated. "Well it's been a long day. I'm going to head home." Hopper wakes out he door. "You forgetting your kid?" I Said. "She could stay here tonight." He smiled then walked out.

"I'll get the sleeping bags for you all." Joyce walked to the closet. "That was tubular." Dustin made us laugh. "So we should sleep in the living room right?" Max intentionally looked at me and El.

"Yeah come on guys." Lucas rambled. "Lucas, those two can stay here." She pointed at me and El.

My eyes widened at Max. I was thinking god Max your embarrassing. They shut the door to the room. It was me and life less El.

I went on the bed laying on the edge of the other side. She turned to face me. I could feel like she was looking so I faced her. "Goodnight mike." I blushed. "You too El."  

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