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They are 14 in this one shot!
It takes place in season 3.

Mike's POV

"It's just a dare Mike." Will said. Lucas had just dared me to pretend like I hate El for 24 hours or else I would have to kiss her. "Yeah." Lucas and Max look at Dustin. "FINE!" I got up and ran upstairs. El was getting water. "Hi Mike." This was already starting to get real hard.

I rolled my eyes. She came close to me and put her hands on my hips, leaning in for a hug. I hit her hand. "Leave me alone." I ran upstairs.

The next day...

"Your annoying!" I yelled at El. Her eyes glistened and gave my a card. It had a heart on the front. Her hands were shaking. I grabbed it and ripped it. 10 minutes were left. She then started to cry. I couldn't do it anymore. The party was watching the whole time. I turned to them with an annoyed face.

I looked back at El who was about to walk away. "Wait El-" she turned to look at me. "I hate you!" Max raised her eyebrows. I started to tear up. "You never loved me! I did everything for you!" She sobbed.

"Your stupid!" She yelled. "No I'm not!" "You only care about yourself!" I rolled my eyes. "No I don't!" She through a glass of water across the room. She then fell on the floor. I knelt down as soon as she fell.

"A-Are you okay!?" She motioned her hands for me to leave. "Go." The Party ran in the room. I looked back at them. "This is your fault!" I yelled at them. I looked down at El. "I'm so sorry. I love you a lot." Lucas looked at Dustin.

"You broke the dare!" Dustin stated. I shrugged. I looked at E and took a deep breath. I then kissed her soft lips. Everyone's eyes grew big. I stopped crying. El got up from the floor and hugged me. "I'm really sorry." I whispered in her ear

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