Just keep breathing and breathing and breathing...

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The song Breathing by Ariana Grande was inspired by this story.

| Jane's POV |
I ran and ran. I couldn't stop until I was out of energy. My tears blew in the wind as I thought of what happened.

Mike died. I've just found out and I don't know what to do. It's complete darkness. The mind flayer might get me now that I'm weak. So I ran away. Again.

I hear Hopper and Steve's voice appearing closer and closer. I began to run for what felt like hours. Finally, I reached the quarry.

I looked up at a star shining brighter then the others. That was my boy. My Mike. I looked down at the intensifying hight of the drop. The impact would kill me.

That's what I wanted. Without looking back at Hopper and Steve I jumped. I screamed. The cold water hit me like a brick. I felt cuts all over and then...I saw mama and papa. They both were fighting.

I could still hear Hopper yelling and looking down. I swam. I could breathe under the water!  Then Papa told me, "we're all dead. Don't worry. Keep breathe eleven. It's a gift."Bubbles formed blurring my sight.

I swam even more farther. To see Mike. Mike at the quarry. Why? Isn't he dead? I heard Mike's voice. Not from under water but from the ciff. I looked up. I was the one who was dead. Not him.

I cried. "Mike!" I screamed but it was no use. It was like no one heard me. I swam up. Catching my breathe as I heard sirens. I've been sleep walking again. I jumped. That was real. But Mike.

He wasn't dead. That star I saw, that could've been me. Hopper was at the shore with the cops and everything else. The cops thought I was dead. Everyone cried.

Even Jonathan, who I barely knew. Mike was crying loud. Until the cops pointed out at me. "She's alive get her out!" One of them a screamed. Mike looked up.

They pulled me out. "How did you survive?" The questioned. Mike was in the crowd of people trying to get through. "Papa. He t-told me to breathe." Hopper looked confused. "He's dead kid." I nodded while coughing. "I know." Medical assistance came over while Joyce was crying. He kids tried to comfort her.

Mike pushed everyone to get to me. He saw me alive. He was crying but smiled.

  | Mike's POV |
My girl, My El. She was alive. "El why did you do it?!" I asked, screaming over everyone else. "I thought you died I wanted to be with you!" She said. I started to cry even more and got on the floor. I hugged her.

Later that night...

I anxiously waited in my room to see El. She came in. "Hi." She smiled and looked at her feet. "Im glad your alive." She sat on my bed. "Me too Mike." I hugged her tight. She al ost died for me.

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