A journal 1985

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| Mike's POV |
I ran down the stairs. "Honey take some toast!" I kept running to the door. "No time!" I was taking El to Scoops Ahoy. I got on the bike. I told the Party that I would meet them at the arcade later.

                           | Karen's POV |
"Micheal you-" I sighed as hey slammed the door. "He's just like Ted." I mumbled. I had to get Mike's laundry basket. I walked up stairs to his room. I tripped. "God." A book fell from the night stand. Getting up, I grabbed the book. It read, 'MIKE WHEELER JOURNAL' Surprised, I sat on his bed and opened to the first page.

It said,

This is my JOURNAL not diary, and Max, this is not girly to write what you feel! I always hated you Max.

I turned the page.

November 24, 1984
I talked to El on my super com. I know she's alive. I need to see her but what if she really is dead. She was like my emotional support and it's been 2 years...I miss her so much. Sometimes I feel like dying. Will's in pain, Max is annoying and El? El she's hurting. I want to see her again. She helped us so much. Odd I like a girl with powers but I don't care. It's day 353 of calling her or channeling her...No response.I have to go to bed but, I hope she comes back.

Tears gathered in my eyes. I needed to read more.

November 29, 1984
She's back. That girl I loved is now here. She saved us again. As soon as she walked through that door last night I froze. It was here. I started to cry thinking of those times I yelled at her but she still stayed. She ran up and hugged me. I felt normal again like the other piece of me was connected. Later that night she closed the gate. I was so nervous. Nancy was trying to calm me down but it didn't work. What if lose her again. Head lights. They gleamed through the windows. I ran outside and Hopper was carrying her. I started to cry again. I ran and tried to hug her but I couldn't. I spent the night with her and my other friends. I mostly slept next to her though.

I smiled."Mike." I whispered to myself. I was so in to it. There was 1 more page.

December 21, 1981
Lasts night was the snowball. And wow. As every other year I wasn't expecting anyone. I sat as I saw my friends dancing to a slow song. I kept looking at the door hoping someone would enter so they can distract me. This time, when I looked. I saw El. She was beautiful. I came up to her. I told her she was beautiful and if she wanted to dance. She didn't know how. I wouldn't expect her to. She grew up in Hawkins lab. I showed her how. We were in to it until...WE KISSED!!!!!!!!! I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy!!! This was officially the best night of my life!

I laughed. I heard the door slam and quickly ran downstairs to see, Mike with this supposed El. They were both laughing about something. "Hello Micheal. And Hi El." He looked confused. "I never told you her name..." my eyes widened. "Oh well I'll be in the laundry room." I smiled.

| Mike's POV |

I grabbed El's hand and we went to my room. I saw my Journal on the floor. Then I realized. SHE READ MY JOURNAl?!

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