Those dark nights (ages 13-14)

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Listen to the damn song while reading

Mike and El laid in the fort. When Hopper has late shifts, El always came over to Mike's house. It was a dark night in Hawkins.

El weirdly liked the dark woods creeping in to the cold night. Surprising I know.

"So-do you ever think...The earth is flat?" Mike asked, watching El grin at the question. To play along, El sat up right.

"M-Mike that's-no. Just no" she said jokingly. Mike started to laugh. "Sad how we're this bored." Mike sat up as well.

"What do you want to do?" Mike continued. "Outside." El said.

"You want to go outside? El it's 10:03 pm, rainy and dark out, and most importantly Hopper would kill me if he found out I took you outside at this time-" Mike rambled.

"Please Mike?" El interrupted, looking in to Mike's eyes.

Mike gave in. "Alright El Let's go." Mike said, noticing that El smirked.

They both got up and went upstairs. They then put their shoes on and headed out the door.

El made a creaking noise on the hard wood floor.

"Shh El." Mike whispered to El, pointing out his dad was sleeping on the recliner. El nodded as they proceeded to exit the house.

Mike shut the door behind them as they stepped outside.

El was enjoying the fresh cold air of the night. Taking in that moment of darkness, but beautiful darkness.

"I know a place we could go." Mike said, breaking her daydream. El nodded, "okay take me." The tall boy smiled and their hands intertwined.

They walked to the garage to grab Mike's bike. El, by instinct, got on the back and wrapped her hands around Mike's waist.

"Ready?" Mike asked. "Yes." El responded, smiling.

Mike then rode for what felt like hours when it was really only 20 minutes.

Mike pulled up to an unfamiliar drive way for El.

El's grip on Mike's waist tightened."it's okay El, it's just Dustin's house." Mike said. El's grip loosened as they got off the bike.

Mike pulls out his supercom, "Dustin we're outside do you copy over?" Mike says, still holding on to El.

"Yeah I copy shithead I'll open the door over and out." Dustin responded.

A person was revealed on the other side. A 'bitch' to be defined by Mike. You guessed it! Max.

"Hey, they're in his room." Max says, leading them in.

"Wow what a great person to answer the door." Mike says. Max rolls her eyes.

They go in to Dustin's room to find them playing a game of d&d.

"Hi guys!" Will says. Al the friends greet each other. "Wait Dustin wheres your mom?" El asks.

"At a party don't worry about it." Dustin says, moving his planchette. Mike and El take a seat next to the rest.

"Too late to join?" Mike asks. "No actually we just started." Lucas says. Mike joins in.


3 hours later...

Mike and El were back at the Wheelers home. Mike and El were now in Mike's bed going to sleep.

El rolled to face Mike. "Mike." El whispered. "Yeah El?" Mike responded.

"I-I had fun tonight." El said. Mike smiled, "me too." Mike then wrapped his arms around El. El slightly gasped.

"Is this okay?" Mike asked quietly. El smiled and nodded. They then fell asleep in each other's arms.

Let's just say hopper wasn't happy when he found out they snuck out, but little does he know that when El was grounded there was a lot more sneaking out...

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