The Beginning...

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Four Years Later

When Carl left, I had to come to terms with a lot of things. It wasn't a nine months away from home, military school situation. This was a grueling, four year, real-life U.S. Army situation. I prayed every day that someone from the army wouldn't show up on my doorstep to deliver any bad news.

After three months of basic training, he came home for a couple of weeks to spend with us before he officially shipped off. The only other times we'd gotten to see him were on some holidays when he got leave.

The first two years were the hardest. I was still in school and working part-time, all with a little girl to take care of. When I needed to finish an assignment, and I was stressing over practically everything, the Gallagher's were there to help me.

Debbie was my rock and did absolutely everything she could to help out when Aubrey was at work. She reassured me when I was doubting myself in school, and let me cry to her for hours on end about the fact that Carl wasn't there. I spent countless sleepless nights over their house.

Aubrey and Lip babysat when Debbie had to work or spend time with Franny (who had gotten huge) and the fuckers even got hitched! We threw them a little ceremony after they told us the news. Lip and Ian were the best uncles they could be. They always took Cody out to the park to play with Liam and Franny when I needed some me time. Oh, and Ian and Mickey we're back together. They were super happy.

I cried for days when Fiona moved away. After losing everything, she went down the wrong path and everyone was worried about her. She got herself back together in true Fiona fashion and decided it was time for her to leave and start over. She still sends postcards from her new place every other month and calls to check in.

Cody's grandparents were very present in her life. I got close with my mom, dad, and little brother and they came down to visit at least once a month. Frank was still the same old Frank, just older. I'm pretty sure he was the reason why Cody's first word was "beer." My Aunt Lily, Aubrey, and I were closer than ever, which brought me the utmost happiness. They only ever argued about who got to babysit Cody next.

Cody, my beautiful baby girl, was my biggest motivator when her father was gone. She kept me grounded. I finished school with my sanity, got a head start in my career (thanks to recommendations from my professors), and moved Cody and I into our own apartment, not too far away from everyone. I'd already helped design, and decorate a few houses on the west and east sides of Chicago. Life was looking up for me and my family.


"Mommy! Mommy!" I heard Cody yell excitedly as she jumped up and down on my bed.

"Yes, babygirl?" I yawned and leaned over to look at my alarm clock. It read '9:34 am.'

"Guess what?!" she asked, plopping down on top of me.

"Ouch!" I giggled and sat up to squeeze her in my arms a bit. "What, honey?"

"Daddy is coming home today!"

I smiled, "I know, baby! Aren't you excited?"

"Yes!" Cody smiled, her two front teeth missing. I heard her stomach rumble and she jumped down from the bed. "Can we have pancakes?!"

"Yes, baby, we can have pancakes."


After feeding my little green-eyed ball of energy, I got us ready to head to the airport. I'd already called Debbie and Aubrey to let them know we were on the way and that we'd meet them there.

The drive to the airport was long and I was getting more anxious by the second. I was finally going to see my love again. When we got to the airport, I spotted a familiar mop of red hair. I guess Cody saw her too because she let go of my hand and ran straight to her.

"Auntie Debbie!"

Debbie picked her up and kissed her cheek, "Hey, my little tiger!"

"Hey, Debs," I smiled and hugged her from the side Cody wasn't on. "Where's everyone else?"

"Hey, Cai. They all went to the gift shop. I said I'd stay here and wait on you two."

"Wait, I see Kev," I said and he saw me too. He was followed by the rest of the family.

"Hey, guys!" I said and started giving everybody hugs. I picked Cody up and started chatting with Ian and Mickey. Cody wriggled her way out of my arms suddenly and starting running in the opposite direction. "Cody, what-"


My heart stopped as soon as I saw him. Carl; my heart, my love, my everything. He was home. Carl dropped his bag and knelt. Cody jumped right into his arms. By then, I was running toward him too.

"Hi, princess! Look how big you've gotten!" He snuggled into her and lifted her off of the ground. His gaze trailed up to my watering eyes and I ran into his other open arm. "Hey, baby. I missed you so much."

Pretty soon everybody had run over as well and we shared one big hug in the middle of the airport.


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