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The scene was exactly what I'd wanted a few minutes ago. The whole room was filled with everyone I loved on my special day. However, I was closer to crying than smiling.

My stomach started doing flip flops as we all stood there in silence.

Ian chuckled a bit, "What? You pregnant or something?"

Debbie mouthed an "I'm sorry" to me. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

Carl took my hand and stood tall (well, as tall as he could). "Actually, yeah. She is. Wanted to tell you when you were all together," he said. Everyone's face dropped with the exception of Debbie and Frank's. I just looked at my feet, already knowing what was coming next.

"You're pregnant, Cailee?" My aunt asked. I could hear the disappointment in her voice. I met her gaze and tears were forming in her eyes. I pulled myself together and squeezed Carl's hand.

"Yes," was all I managed to say in that moment.

Frank's smile widened, "Another Gallagher, more the merrier!" Everyone groaned or rolled their eyes. Carl just glared at him.

"Well, what do you two plan on doin'?" Fiona asked, looking at us both.

"Hey, why don't we eat guys. Food's getting cold," Debbie spoke up, guiding everyone except Aunt Lily and Fiona into the kitchen. My savior.

"We... want to keep it," I said to both of my mother figures. I felt Carl's eyes on me in an instant. It was the first time I'd straight up said we were having the baby.

"We know it's gonna be hard..." Carl started, squeezing my hand a bit.

Fiona cut in, "'Hard' is an understatement. So this is why you've been pullin' doubles at Patsy's. Where do you plan on stayin'? Space is pretty tight here right now."

"We'll figure it out, Fi," Carl said sternly. There was a long pause.

"Well, you two are old enough to make your own decisions and were old enough to make this baby, so you're old enough to raise it on your own," Fiona said just as sternly.

My aunt put her hands on my shoulders gently, "It's not the right time, honey. You're just so young and have so much going for you. What about school? You'll just ruin your life by having a child right now."

Hearing her say those words certainly hit harder than hearing myself speak them. The woman that told me I could do whatever I put my mind to was doubting me.

"That's just what we plan on doing," I said to Fiona, "We're having this baby, whether you support us or not." I looked to my Aunt, "And we'll figure that out. It happened, we didn't plan on this. Birth control couldn't stop this baby from being conceived, and nobody is gonna stop me from having him or her. It's up to you two if you want to be in this child's life," I stated and pulled Carl to the kitchen.

Lip, Ian, and Aubrey were talking by the stairs and called us over.

"Pregnant, huh?" Lip asked. I ran my foot across the floor awkwardly before he pulled me in for a much-needed hug.

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