Gallagher Effect

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I shut the bathroom door, locking us both in.

Cailee frowned, "What are you doing, Carl?"

"I miss you, and we're not leaving out of here until we fix this."

She sighed, "Carl..."

"I miss you like crazy. Every damn day since I've been here has been hell."

"I miss you too, Carl. But-"

"I need you. I fucking need you, princess, because you're the only thing that makes me feel better. I know I don't deserve you. Hell, I never have."

"Don't say that," She crossed her arms.

"It's fucking true, I'm a dumbass..." She paused for a while and I just knew she was gonna reject me again...

"Well, you know what? You're my dumbass, Carl Gallagher," Cailee uncrossed her arms, gesturing toward herself. "And dammit, it's so fucking hard to stay mad at you, even when you fuck up this tremendously!"

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. You have to know that I'd never hurt you on purpose— ever."

"I know... I know that, deep down, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid you'll just do it again as soon as we fight."

Her image of me had been tainted... No matter what happened, I couldn't take what I did back.

"I almost lost you completely. I am never going to be dumb enough to put myself in that position again. I promise. I love you."

I'd told myself I wouldn't put myself in a position to hurt her, years before. But I really meant it this time. It was a promise.


My heart and my head were at fucking war. All my heart wanted was to fall into his arms and forget about all of the bullshit. However, my brain was telling me to rethink making up with him.

"Please, Cailee," He rested his forehead against mine. Fuck, there he was using that against me again. I really couldn't resist him this time.

"I'm giving you one more chance, Gallagher... Don't make me regret it."

He wrapped his arms around me tightly, "I won't. I promise you that."

I wrapped my arms around him, taking in his scent. I'd missed him so much. The way he looked at me, the way he touched me— I missed it all. He pulled back and cupped my face, rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs. He leaned in slowly, placing a soft kiss onto my lips that made me melt.

He looked into my eyes, "Fuck, I love you so much."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him back in for a deeper kiss. He brushed his tongue across my lip and I let him in. We stumbled a bit, so I placed one of my hands on the door for support.

Carl walked me against the door gently and started kissing down my neck. He sucked on the spot where my neck and shoulder met, most definitely leaving a mark behind. Those pesky butterflies were having a damn rave in my stomach. I let a faint moan escape from my lips and I could feel Carl's infamous smirk grow against my collarbone.

South-Side Renascent || c.g.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora