"What's Your Emergency?"

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I woke up in a full sweat.

"Fuck!" I sprang up and clutched my side. It hurt so bad I thought I'd been stabbed in my sleep. I was practically paralyzed as I sat there. Was there something wrong with the baby?

"Carl!" I choked out. No response. I turned into a sobbing mess, praying he was in the house. "Carl?!" Silence. I knew Aubrey was at work, meaning I was alone.

I searched for my phone on the bed and side tables with no luck. If I was gonna get help, I needed to get to a phone. In a very slow motion, I pulled the covers off of me and stood up. The pain only got worse. Louder sobs escaped from my mouth as I walked down the stairs. I found my phone on the couch and dialed 911. I clutched my side and stomach, curling up into a ball on the couch.

The 911 operator picked up the phone. "911, what's your emergency?"

"I'm pregnant and in a lot of pain. Nobody else is home," I cried.

"We're sending someone over now, sweetie. Where's your pain?"

"It's my right side— god, it hurts so much," At that point, I was just trying not to fall onto the floor.

"Just stay still, honey, okay? What's your name?" The operator spoke calmly.

"Cailee, Cailee Strong."

The operator stayed on the line with me while I waited. I heard sirens coming from outside within a few minutes and struggled my way to the door. I opened the door and a paramedic greeted me.

The last thing I remember was falling to the floor, and everything went dark.


7 pm, and I finally was off of work. I walked out of the restaurant and checked my phone. "6 missed calls from Aubrey?"

I tapped her name to call her back.

She picked up on the third ring, "Carl, you have to come to the hospital now."

"The hospital? Why? What happened?"

She sniffled, "Something's wrong with Cailee. They called me and I hopped on the L." My heart started to pound.

"Which hospital?" I asked frantically.

"Sinai, the one I was in after the accident."

"I'll be there in 5 minutes," We hung up and I went to put the keys in the ignition. I fumbled with the keys and dropped them. "Fuck."

My anxiety was growing second by second, but I finally managed to start the car. I drove 15 over the speed limit all the way to the hospital and parked in a hurry. I must've looked like a complete psychopath running up to the front desk.

"I'm here for Cailee Strong," I stammered. The receptionist typed something into her computer.

"She's in Emergency. Follow that hallway to the right and make a left at the end. They'll know exactly how to help you at the Emergency desk."

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