In a Heartbeat

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"So, how was the date, man?" I asked Matt, whose house I was over.

"Fuckin' fantastic. Thanks for that," he responded with a toothy grin.

"No problem. Just know that if you hurt her-" I leaned closer to him, "-Cailee and I will have to end you."

"I don't plan on hurting her, trust me."

I gave him a pat on the back, "I'm holding you to that, lover boy."

"Speaking of Cailee, how are you two?"

Thoughts of our session in the living room flooded my mind. I smirked, "Better than ever, man. Better than ever."


"I feel worse than ever, Debs," I groaned.

"Serves you fuckin' right," She buttered her toast angrily, "You were supposed to be telling him, not nailing him."

I put my head in my hands, "I know, I know. But I was too nervous. Plus, I was super turned on."

"That's the hormones. Here," She handed me a plate of eggs and toast, "Eat. Then we have to get ready and go."

I nodded and basically devoured the food in front of me. When I finished, I put my plate in the sink and went upstairs to get myself together. It was the day of my first ultrasound. I'd finally know how far along I was, and most importantly, if everything was ok.

Debbie peeked her head into the bathroom door, "Ready to roll?"


Debbie and I sat down in the waiting room of the clinic after signing in. I bounced my leg, a newly acquired nervous habit of mine.

Debbie put her hand on my knee to comfort me. "Hey, it's gonna be fine. You're a strong young woman, Cailee. I mean your last name literally is Strong," she chuckled. I smiled and rested my head on her shoulder. "Plus, that kid's a Gallagher. Need I say more?"

I giggled, "No, Debs." Hearing her call the baby a Gallagher made my heart grow three sizes bigger. My thoughts were interrupted when a nurse called my name.


"Today we're going to see how big your baby is," the doctor said with a smile. She grabbed a tube of blue gel, "Lift your shirt. This'll be a little cold."

I lifted my shirt up and she tucked a towel into the waistband of my bottoms before she squeezed the stuff onto my belly. "Oof, that is cold." Debbie and the doctor chuckled at my reaction.

The doctor pulled out a wand that was attached to the ultrasound machine and put a covering over it. She placed it on my stomach and started gliding it across me. I watched the screen carefully.

"Here we are," She stopped when she got to a dark circle. "And there is baby," She pointed to a smaller white form inside of the darker one.

"Holy shit," Debbie whispered with the biggest grin on her face. The doctor pressed a button and a noise poured out of the machine.

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