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My bugle horn alarm blared through my earphones, waking me out of a good sleep. I turned the alarm off and tossed my phone to the side before getting up. I showered and threw on some clothes before going downstairs. Fiona walked in the front door and dropped her keys on the kitchen counter.

"Mornin' Carl," she smiled. "How was your date?"

"Morning Fiona. It was great," I grinned. She smiled and grabbed a box of cereal off of the counter.

"Where'd you take her?"

"Hosten's," I said proudly. She looked up at me with knitted brows.

"Hosten's? That place is pretty expensive."

"I had some money left over from all of those summer jobs," The first summer I spent back home I made bank. Some Comanche bastard took my scholarship, so I needed a way to pay to go back to school. My methods were... different, per say.

"Ah, the torture chamber and fake Uber?" she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Hey, they got me back in school."

"I know you just got back, but you should probably start lookin' for a job," Fiona suggested. "Especially if you're gonna keep takin' Cailee to Hosten's." She was right.

"Hey Fi, can I borrow your car?" There was a long pause.

"I guess, but ONLY for work purposes," I got up and hugged her before grabbing the keys and going to grab my phone.


"Oh my god, I got in!" I shrieked. There it was in bold letters.

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you of your acceptance into the University of Chicago!

My sister, Aubrey, screamed along with me and gave me a bear hug. When Carl left for military school I really put my focus on my studies. I guess all of those restless nights studying and stressing had really paid off. On top of that, I'd found something I really loved to do. Something I could actually make a career out of.


Aubrey and I pulled up to a gorgeous house a few blocks away from the south-side. We hopped out of the car and walked up to the door, passing by the "For Sale" sign in the grass.

"This is the house you're gonna buy?" I asked my sister. She nodded and knocked on the door. A blonde woman in a pantsuit greeted us and told us to come inside.

The interior was gorgeous. The woman gave us a tour and each room left me speechless. It was something about how bright and simple everything was that made me love it. I even snapped a few pictures in my favorite rooms.

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