Anniversary (2)

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There was no way I was fucking pregnant. How could that have even happened? I was on the damn pill!

I looked at Debbie, then back down at the test. The second line was anything but faint— it was clear as day and scary as hell.

"You have to tell Carl," Carl. How was he gonna feel about it? Shit, I didn't even know how I felt about it. We had our entire lives ahead of us. Carl was going to the police academy and I'd just been accepted into my dream school.

My brain just shut down and I pushed all of my thoughts away, which was something I did when reality was too overwhelming. I clutched the test in my hand and left the bathroom with Debbie right behind me.

"Cailee? Look at me," Debbie said.

I walked into her room and turned to face her, "Let's just get me ready for tonight, okay?"


I locked up Aubrey's house and walked home. It was almost 4:30. Debbie should've been done dressing Cailee by then.

The house was quiet when I walked in. Lip had been crashing somewhere else, and Fiona stayed at her building most of the time. Liam was probably at Dylan's, and who knows where Ian was.

I walked upstairs and knocked on Debbie's bedroom door. "It's me."

"Almost ready!" Debbie yelled from inside. I went into the bathroom to make sure I looked ok and felt a small box crush underneath my foot. I picked it up and examined it. Pregnancy test? I heard Debbie's door and threw the box away quickly. Just as I stepped out of the bathroom, Cailee walked out of Debbie's room. Woah.

"You look amazing, princess," I stepped forward to hug her, "You're so beautiful."

She blushed and kissed my cheek, "Look who's talkin', hottie." I couldn't help but notice a saddened expression on Debbie's face. My mind went back to the pregnancy test; was she pregnant again? Fiona was gonna flip if she was.

I pushed that thought aside and grabbed Cailee's hand, "Come on."

I lead her outside and we got into Fiona's car (which she let me borrow for the night).

"So, where are we going?" Cailee asked.

"It's a surprise, of course."


We pulled up to a really nice restaurant on the north-side. I glanced over at Cailee, who was grinning from ear to ear, before parking the car. I got out and walked around to open her door.

"Baby, it's beautiful."

"Wait till you see the rest," I took her hand and walked her into the building. A hostess walked up to us and I told her I had a special reservation under Gallagher. She smiled and asked us to follow her.

We ended up on the roof. Let me tell you, the view of the city was breathtaking. Not as breathtaking as the view in front of me, though. 

Cailee's eyes widened when she saw the candlelit table, and rose petals surrounding it. There was a bottle of wine in a basket on the table and two glasses. I'd given in and let her drink the previous night, but I wasn't this time.

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