Damage (2)

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I stretched and yawned after waking up. The sun was shining through the curtain in our room. I sat up in bed, realizing Carl wasn't next to me and remembering why. I sighed and tugged at the roots of my hair out of frustration.

Maybe I'd been too hard on him. He had a big heart and I knew that. I was a huge bitch for kicking him out, especially that late. Ugh...

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I'd gotten a few messages from Carson around the time I went to bed. I read them and got even more mad at myself. It was 10 am on a Saturday morning, but I needed to know if she was safe at least. I went to her contact and called her.

"Come on, pick up Cars," The phone rang until her voicemail came up. I called one more time, getting the same result. "Shit."

I sent her, and Carl, a few texts.


My eyes opened slowly. I groaned and wiped the sleep out of them with one hand while I propped myself up with the other. My pants were pushed down to my ankles, I was only in my T-shirt and boxers, and I was... in the van?

"Shit, what the fuck," I jumped, realizing I wasn't alone. Carson laid next to me, using my jacket as a blanket. I didn't look for too long, but her shorts were definitely missing. She still had her underwear on though.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. What the hell happened last night?

I struggled to pull my pants up, but I managed. Not without waking Carson up though. She turned onto her back and yawned. She opened her eyes and they went wide when she saw me fumbling with my pants.

"Holy fucking shit! What the hell?!" she yelled, covering her bare top with my jacket. "Where are we?!"

"We're in my van," I sighed.

"Why am I half naked? Why were you half naked? What happened last night?"

I didn't know the answers to any of her questions, "The last thing I remember is the bar." Everything else was a blur.

She gulped and clutched my jacket harder, "We didn't... do anything, did we?"

God, I really fucking hoped not. I shrugged, "I dunno." I pulled my shirt on and tried to fix my messy hair.

"Oh my god... I'm a horrible person..." Carson whispered.

"Don't put all of the blame on yourself," I was just as horrible. I'd gotten high and shitfaced. Why? Because my girlfriend — my pregnant girlfriend — needed a little space?

"Whatever happened last night stays between us, alright?" Carson said. I nodded; the last thing I wanted was for Cailee to find out. "Turn around."

I turned around and waited for Carson to get dressed.

"I'm decent," She finally spoke. I turned back around, just lost in my thoughts. She took her phone out of her pocket and her facial expression went from disappointed to worried. "Cailee texted me back. She wants me to stop by, like now."

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