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"This hangover is killer," I groaned.

Cailee snuggled closer to me, "You're tellin' me, my stomach feels like it's inside out." I rubbed her back slowly and kissed the top of her head. It was afternoon nap time for sure. We drifted off to sleep in minutes.

I woke up abruptly when Cailee jumped up and ran out of the room. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. I got up and dragged myself out of the bed. Sounds of Cailee puking her guts out drew me into the bathroom.

I am never letting her hardcore drink again. I held her hair back until she was finished.

"Ugh, no more hard liquor," she groaned.


"Gonna brush my teeth and stuff. Can you bring me some toast?"

"Of course, princess. I'll be back," I kissed her on the forehead and headed downstairs to fix her some toast. Ian was sitting on the couch with Liam, watching something on TV.

"You and the Mrs. feelin' better?" Ian asked me.

"Cailee's still up-chucking regret," I sighed and buttered the toast I'd made. "You got any Advil, doc?" He got up and gave me two pills out of a bottle of medicine before putting it back in it's hiding spot. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it, and don't forget the water, bud," he said going back to watch TV. I finished the toast, grabbed the meds, got a bottle of water out of the fridge, and went back upstairs. Cailee was lying down on my bed.

"Here you go, my sweet," I handed her the toast, "And Advil for the headache."

"My hero. Thank you, baby," she giggled and I winked. "Don't you have work today?"

I sighed, "Yeah, in like an hour."

She took a bite of her toast, "Get ready and go, you already missed a shift." I huffed and leaned over to kiss her forehead.

"Fine, call Ian if you need anything, he's downstairs," She nodded and finished her toast.


God, I'd never been that hungover, ever. I hadn't even drunk much.

I felt like shit— mentally and physically. In those past two weeks, since Aubrey had been in the hospital, I was super stressed out. I knew the medical expenses were coming up eventually, something Aubrey, Aunt Lily, and I would have to pay for together. I tried to drink and party said stress away, but I was only feeling worse.

I got out of the bed and grabbed one of Carl's shirts and a pair of basketball shorts. I went to the bathroom ran myself a bath. The hot water felt amazing and was definitely soothing— what I needed. I leaned my head back and just relaxed. When I was fully relaxed, the bathroom door swung open.

"Oh shit- fuck!" I shrieked, trying to cover myself with bubbles. Liam stood in the doorway with his eyes wide open and closed the door. I sighed and sank into the water.

After the awkward encounter, I washed up and got dressed. I went back to the boys' room and rummaged through my bag to find my birth control pills. 12:00 on the dot. I popped one into my mouth and washed it down with water.

"I-I'm sorry, Cailee," a small voice whispered from behind me. I turned around to see Liam looking at me. "I hope you're not mad at me."

"Hey, it's okay bud, it was an accident," I stood up and hugged him, "I'm not mad at you," He smiled and nodded, but I could tell he was still embarrassed. "Wanna go get some ice cream?"


"How's the sundae, kiddo?" I asked Liam, who was already halfway done with his ice cream. He mumbled a "Delicious," and kept on eating. I shoved a huge spoonful of my sundae into my mouth.

"Brainfreeze!" we both shouted.

"Look who it is," a deep voice called from behind me. Danny came into my view with Debbie by his side...?

"Hey Cai!" Debbie said excitedly, "Hey Liam."

"Well, what's going on?"

"Nice day to go out," Danny started, turning to look at Debbie, "Wanted a sweet treat." Debbie blushed and I raised my eyebrows, looking between the two.

"Well go enjoy, it was nice to see you again," I smiled. I winked at Debbie before they went into the parlor. Liam and I burst into a fit of giggles.


Another day of work finished. I sighed and hung my apron up, "See you, Sierra." She smiled and waved goodbye as I walked outside. I took my phone out of my pocket and checked my notifications. Cailee had sent me a picture of her and Liam at the ice cream parlor an hour before. I smiled and sent a reply.

How cute
Hope you saved me some 😤

Fiona needed her car for errands, so my transportation was my feet; I needed the exercise anyway.

I got home in about 15 minutes. Fiona's car was parked out front, meaning she was home. I walked into the house to see Kev, V, the twins, and Franny in the living room.

"What's going on everybody?" I said, getting their attention. V gave me a big hug and a Kev fake punched my arm. "Hey girls," I picked Franny up and the twins hugged my legs. I kissed Franny on her cheek and set her back down on the floor.

"Carl!" Fiona called out. I walked into the kitchen. "Help me unload the groceries?" I nodded and started putting stuff away. When we were all done I reached into my pocket and handed Fiona $40.

"I'll have the rest in a day or two."

"I'm proud of you, Carl," She held my cheek, "Military school, a job, and helping keep the house runnin'."

I smirked, "What can I say?" She rolled her eyes playfully and pushed my head away. "Cailee here?"

"Left a little while ago to see her sister."

I nodded, "Thanks." I trotted upstairs and hopped in the shower. I changed into a tank top and some shorts when I got out. I went to my bedroom, shut the door, and hopped onto my bed with my phone. My fingers paddled across the screen as I typed out:

P O R N H U B . . .

"Hell yeah," I smirked.


"Hell no!"

A phone call just had to ruin my special time. I answered the call in an annoyed tone, "Hello?"

"Carl, it's Matt, I have Carson's phone," he sounded panicky. "I need your help, we're at Canjun." Before I could ask any questions, the line went dead. What the hell?

I hopped up and rushed downstairs. "Hey Fi, can I borrow the car?"

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