Lucky Charm

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*Read South-Side Rhapsody before this book!*


Ah, how time flew. It'd been a long two years. Carl and I had faced just about every hardship a young couple in a long distance relationship would.

We were finally 18. I'd graduated high school about a week before Carl's birthday and he was able to drive up to attend.


Today was the day that all my hard work paid off: High School Graduation. It was bittersweet, I'd miss the people I'd made bonds with, especially with most of them going to college out of state.

"Cailee Strong!" my principal called into the microphone. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. A huge smile spread across my face when I saw my family cheering in the audience. Aunt Lily, Aubrey, and all of the Gallagher's were there, even Frank. One particular smile caught my eye, a smile brighter than the rest. Carl. He was there, at my graduation, cheering me on. I couldn't have been happier.

I shook my principal's hand and she handed me my diploma. I waved at my family before stepping off of the stage.

End of flashback

Almost a month later, I was attending another graduation. Carl's. I was so proud of him and everything he'd accomplished. From bad boy, to an amazing young man. He'd really grown up.

Everyone was piled up in Fiona's car— you read it right, her car. She had finally gotten one after deciding to turn her life around.

I sat in the backseat with Debbie, Franny, and Liam. Debbie was doing her best to provide for her daughter, who was getting so big. Liam had gotten into a fancy private school via Frank (still don't know how he did it). Lip was in the passenger seat and he was talking to Fiona about something that happened when he was in rehab. It was quite a funny story, actually.

We pulled up to the venue and hopped out of the car. There were a lot of people already seated and chatting. We found our seats and sat down. Ian came running over in his EMT uniform. Naturally, we all stared at him.

"Some kid swallowed a doorknob," he chuckled. "Don't ask." We all gave him confused looks before laughing. Kev and V walked over to us, a twin in each one's arm. Everyone was seated and a big man began to talk over the microphone.


Military school had definitely changed me for the best. Sure, the two years I spent there were gruesome and I was homesick often, but I'd come to love it. I had a month to come home, every August, and I'd spend it all with my family and Cailee.


She was the true fucking trooper throughout everything. We talked on the phone every week and she sent me pictures of her and everything going on at home regularly. Even though we couldn't see each other very often, our love never died down. That's for certain.

It was graduation— the last day I'd spend down in the south before heading back to Chicago. I made sure my hair was neat and fixed my clothes. The sergeant began to call off names of the students and my heart started to thud in my chest. He made it to the 'G's' and I gathered myself.

"Carl Francis Gallagher," I walked onto the stage and saluted before accepting my diploma and looking out into the audience. I saw Kev, and soon everyone else, cheering and couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. I walked off of the stage and went to sit next to Cailee.

"Baby, you did it! I am so damn proud of you," she exclaimed. I pulled her into a long hug and pecked her lips.

"You're my Lucky Charm," I smiled. I looked over at my family and they exchanged 'Congratulations' and 'We love you's' with me. I was so happy I'd get to go back home.

Military school had been made my bitch.


Everyone piled back into Fiona's car and started on the trip back home. Debbie sat by the left window next to Franny, who was in her car seat. Carl got in next and smirked before patting his lap. I rolled my eyes and sat on his lap before closing the car door.


"Welcome back to the south-side, Carl," Fiona said as we turned onto North Wallace. She parked across the street from the Gallagher house and everyone got out of the car. Carl wrapped his arm around me before we entered the house.

"Look who it is, my soldier son!" Frank smiled. He wrapped his arms around Carl, causing him to lean back and pat Frank's shoulder.

"That's enough, Saint Francis," Lip said, prying his father's arms off of Carl.

"I'm just trying to show my budding child that I'm proud of him."

Lip scoffed, "Why didn't you come to his graduation then?"

"I had a very important money making opportunity," Frank shrugged. "Was in Canada." Everyone rolled their eyes and went on to do their own things. I turned to Carl and connected our lips.

"Fuck, I've missed you," I whispered.

"I missed you too, baby," He picked me up bridal style and carried me up to his room. He threw me onto the bed and shut the door.

"Everybody's here, Carl, we shouldn't be doing this yet," I giggled. He scrunched his face up before throwing a middle finger up at the door and climbing on top of me.

Our lips met and my arms wrapped around his neck. His hand caressed my waist and he started kissing down my cheek, to my neck. I bit my lip and ran my fingers through his hair while he sucked where he had kissed. He pulled back and looked at the mark he'd left in awe.

"There's gonna be more where that came from," Carl spoke in a low tone. I smiled and pushed him off so I could climb on top. I pulled my shirt off and he looked at me with pure lust in his eyes. Just then the door swung open. I turned to see who it was.

"Shit, sorry," Lip said with a crooked grin and closed the door. I looked back at Carl with an eyebrow raised. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well he's gone now."

"Guys! Dinner's ready!" Fiona yelled upstairs. Carl groaned and I crawled off of him. He folded his arms and his face formed into a pout.

"If you cooperate now-" I put my shirt back on and moved my hair over the new hickey, "-you'll get dessert later." He jumped up out of the bed and grabbed my hand before we headed to the kitchen.

A/N: It's baaaaack!

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