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I'd fucked up. I'd fucked up so bad. There was no one else to blame but myself. I'd made almost all of the worst decisions, and I was paying for it.

As I walked up to my old house, I mentally prepared myself for my family's judgement. They probably knew everything. I knocked on the door, actually getting a response.

"Carl?" Lip opened the door. "What happened?"

I sighed and walked into the house, dropping my duffel off by the stairs. "She knows," I slumped down onto the couch and buried my head in my hands.

I felt the couch dip next to me. "I'm guessing you didn't tell her?"

"She found messages that Carson sent me earlier. I planned on deleting them since I sorted the situation out."

"Sorted things out with who? Carson?"

"Yeah. She tried to fucking seduce me, attempt number two of her trying to fuck me, but I turned her down. Think she gets the memo now."

Lip nodded and lit a cigarette, "I'm assuming you two never actually had sex then?"

"No, thank God," I shook my head.

Lip was silent for a bit. "You are an idiot for putting yourself in that position, but you'll figure things out. Just find the right time to tell Cailee the whole truth. You two love each other too much to just break up," He took a drag of the cigarette, letting the smoke come out of his nose. "Got a baby on the way. A baby that needs both of her parents in her life," He rubbed my shoulder, "Everything is gonna work out, bud."


I sat up on the couch in frustration. I hadn't slept and it was the next morning already. I heard footsteps coming down the back stairs and saw Debbie in the kitchen.

She jumped when she saw me, "Holy fuck. What're you doing here?" I just plopped back down. I knew I was really in for it.

"Got thrown out again..."

"What'd you do now?"

"Just please promise you won't literally kill me."

Her brows knit, "It's that bad?" 

"Cailee kicked me out — for the clingy shit, y'know — and then Carson texted me that Matt and her were arguing and that she was alone," I took a breath. "I found her at the park with some creepy guy trying to feel her up and I scared him off. Then we went back to the house but I don't have a house key yet, so we got high on the porch and she took me to that Canjun place-"

"Wait, you two got high and went to a bar? Are you serious?" Debbie cut me off.

"Yeah. We got fucked up, really fucked up, and came here. No one was awake here so I took her to sleep in the van... and..."

Debbie arched her brow, "And what, Carl?"

"We didn't have sex, but we... did things. Things I didn't even remember until earlier today."

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