Sweater Weather

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Before I knew it, October arrived. September had gone by pretty smoothly. Carl and I were happy, with work and school (he enjoyed trolling the assholes at his job, and I was getting all of my school work done).

Debbie and Hunter were still going out on dates; However, I still didn't know if they were official.

My pregnancy was finally going swimmingly. I wasn't puking my guts out every morning anymore, and my energy levels were through the roof, probably the reason why my school work was getting done so quickly. Plus, I no longer gave a shit if people knew about me being pregnant or not; I wasn't hiding it anymore (well not on purpose).


Halloween was in a week and a half and Debbie was planning something, per the usual.

"Franny wants to be a cupcake for Halloween," Debbie enthused, showing me a picture of the costume. "Isn't that adorable?"

I giggled and stretched my legs out on her bed, "Adorable it is."

"Hunter and I are gonna be Woody and Jessie from Toy Story."

"Very fitting," I laughed, playing with a strand of her red hair. "Sooo, what's going on with you two?"

Debbie sighed, "I really like him, and I'm pretty sure he really likes me too, but he hasn't asked me out yet."

"So ask him out."

"You think I should?"

I sat up to grab her shoulders, "Of course. If you like him, and you know he feels the same, just ask him."

Debbie's lips curled to the right and she nodded, "I'll ask him on Halloween if he hasn't asked by then."

"Yes! Debbie's gonna get some!" I sang teasingly.

Debbie went completely red, playing with her own hair, "Wouldn't be the first time..."

My eyebrows shot up, "Oh? You go, girl. Get that dick!"

"Cailee!" Debbie chuckled, putting her finger up to my mouth. "Don't tell the entire south-side."

Carl pushed Debbie's door open, "Okay, gross. I so didn't need to hear that."

"Stop eavesdropping then, asshole," Debbie sneered as she threw a pillow at him.


Ah, October. It was one of my favorite months (only because Halloween was my favorite holiday). I loved the parties, the movies, and most importantly— the candy.

When Cailee and I were kids we always wore matching costumes to trick-or-treat in. Debbie was always jealous about that, but we did it anyway.

"Speaking of Halloween, what're we wearing this year baby?" I asked Cailee, leaning against Debbie's door.

Debbie rolled her eyes, "Jesus, you're still doing that?"

"Of course," Cailee told her. "You have Hunter to match with this year."

"You're right."

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