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My ears must've been clogged.

"Excuse me, what?" I asked.

"I like- well liked- Carson," Debbie liked girls? Carson out of all of them.

"I'm so confused..."

"And so am I, which is why I kept it to myself. For the most part anyways."

I was in shock, honestly. She'd been trying to tell me for weeks. "And you've been feeling this way since the party?"

She nodded, "I tried to push it away. I knew she was into guys and would never go for me, so I went for Danny. I mean, he's hot too, but he wasn't her."

"Hey, you deserve so much fucking better than her."

She grinned, "The whole fucking with my brother thing ruined it for me anyway." Her eyes went wide and she grabbed my hands, "Shit, I'm so fucking sorry. I'm supposed to be distracting you..."

I gripped her hands, "It's fine, I'm just glad you're here." I shot her a reassuring smile, "Now, back to Cesar, I guess? The whole crushing on a girl thing threw me off."

"I think I may be bisexual, I dunno."

"Talk to Ian about it. I'm sure he'll be able to give you better advice than me," I suggested.

"You're right. I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow," Debbie smiled. I gave her a hug and flipped the TV back on so we could continue watching On My Block.


It was almost 2 am and we were still up. I flopped onto my bed and exhaled, placing my hands on my tummy and closing my eyes.

I heard Debbie flip the bathroom light off and come into the room. I opened my eyes slightly, noticing that Debbie was smiling at me. "What?"

"That kid is so lucky," She climbed into bed next to me.

I rubbed my tummy softly, "I really hope she thinks so. I hope I can be a good mom..."

"You're gonna be a great mom, Cailee. You're one of the most caring people I know," She pulled me in for a hug. "To all of your family, Gallaghers' included. Even when some of us don't deserve it."


Maybe I'd gone a little overboard again...

Okay, I had, because I was on my third drink at the club. I was still buzzed from the joint I'd smoked a bit earlier and I knew I wouldn't be sober any time soon.

I paid for the last drink and chugged it quickly, thanking the bartender. I didn't know how I was getting home, or if I was even going home. I wasn't really wanted anywhere at all. Ugh. The anger started to build yet again, and I really let it get the best of me. Before I knew it, I was outside of Matt's house.

I knocked on the door, somebody had to be up. Sure enough, Carson answered, "Carl? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"You fucked everything up, Carson."

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