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Cassie's Pov:

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Cassie's Pov:

Weeks had went by since I had flipped my humanity switch back on, and left mystic falls. Three weeks to be specific. I haven't really been talking to anyone besides Bonnie, I just needed some time a lot of time to think through things, maybe a lot of time and trust me I had a lot I had of things to think about.

Not only have I been thinking about everything I had done when my humanity was off, but the small fact that I may have been pregnant again. I didn't think it could be possible, I didn't think that Stefan and Serena could be right and that's why the first thing I did after leaving town was have an doctor give me an ultrasound.

They were right, I was pregnant. And seemed a lot further along than I should have been at the time I had gotten pregnant, my only guess was that it was because I was a vampire now and it may have sped up the process a bit.

I still didn't know how I felt about it, being pregnant again, especially because the man who had knocked me up was a known psycho who has tortured all my friends and we had slept each other in a moment of weakness. And let's not forget about Aiden, I hadn't seen my son since I had sent him away with Allison and stiles, and I feared that this baby would be an replacement for him, but she wasn't, I missed Aiden everyday and my heart ached for him.

Also something else that feared me about having another baby, especially with someone like Kai was how she would turn out like, if she would be more like me or like Kai, I prayed she would be like me and not him. Some part of me wondered if you could inherit evil, I mean my mom was Isobel and some werewolf I never met before, can you be born evil or does your life just make you that way?

Nonetheless I pushed the thought out of my mind, not ever wanting to think about my baby, my daughter being evil, especially not in the vision I had seen about her. It went from me being with her to when she was about three years old, I didn't get to see her face but I could see that she was beautiful.

But now, I was back in the hospital with Bonnie, Elena, Serena, and Lydia. Bonnie had planned an early bachelorette party for jo, since the wedding wasn't for two more weeks, and I agreed to go seeing as Jo and Alaric had basically become like my parents, I had loved them both so much and I would do just about anything for the two of them.

Since I wasn't completely sure if I was ready to just be completely back yet, I made the girls to promise to keep it a secret and I would be back staying in a hotel room most of the days until I really come back to the small town.

So, that's what we were doing at the hospital, surprising Jo, with her very own bachelorette party and it seemed to be going well seeing as Jo join had walked into an empty room with a stripper we had paid to dress up as a cop.

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