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Cassie's Outfit

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Cassie's Outfit

Cassie's Outfit

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Cassie's Pov

Opening my eyes I let out a yawn before getting up from the couch and looking around only to find that Serena was gone, I furrowing my eye brows before running my fingers through my hair and heading towards the bathroom.

Once getting to the bathroom I saw that the light was on and I had frowned for a moment before knocking on the bathroom door and waited for an answer.

"Serena, are you in there?" I called out softly.

Slowly the door opened and Serena stood right in front of me with tears covering her face and filled in her green eyes, she began wiping away her tears with a tissue and my eyes softened at the sight of my best friend.

"Are you ok? I asked her seriously.

"No, I'm not." She quickly shook her head, her voice cracking and my lips parted and I could hear how fast her heart was beating against her chest. "This is the worst time, I can't believe this is happening Cassie, but, I'm pregnant."

My eyes widened at her words, "what?"

"I was late, I thought we were careful. So I took a test and I've just been waiting for the other line to disappear but it never did." She told me and it wasn't until then I had seen the stick in her hands and I gulped down thickly, "I'm just so scared Cassie, I don't know what to do."

"It's ok, it's ok, Rena." I said seriously and she stared back at me with teary eyes. "I'm your best friend and I'm gonna help you no matter what, ok?"

"I love you so much, Cass." She spoke, her voice almost sounding fearful as her eyes were wide. "I did something bad, really bad, that I need to tell you about."

"What is it?" I asked in confusion, setting one hand on the strawberry blondes shoulder.

"I told-" she began but the sound of glass breaking made me look away from her and down the hall.

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