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Surprise Visit

This is short sorry💕

Also the officer James Gordon is his real name but he's also called Jim so yeah that's for later in the chapter!

About an hour or so had passed. Jerome admired Josette from a far as she made some soup for him. She looked so concentrated on what she was doing. Every time a strand of her brunette hair got in the way she carelessly tucked it back behind her ear.

Jerome had always liked Josette, call it a little crush. He just hated admitting that he loved someone. Everyone saw him as a monster. If it's a monster they see then that's what they're gonna get, is what he always thought. But somehow Josette always saw past the monster and always saw the scared bruised little boy she grew up with.

Jerome got butterflies, he never gets butterflies around any girl and he's always around girls.

Josette carefully poured the hot soup in a bowl and brought it to Jerome, with a few drops spilling on the kitchen tile.

She noticed the smile he had on his face. Not his crazy manic smile. A genuine smile that could light up a whole room.

Soon she began to smile. "What are you smiling about ginger?"

She handed him his soup along with a spoon.

"Oh nothing just remembering the good old days."

"Why did you stay in Gotham?" Curiosity lingering in his voice.

Jerome continued to speak. "When you were younger you always told me you were gonna be a famous singer."

Josette did remember that all the dreams and hopes she had for herself simply washed away and locked up forever, because of her parents.

"W-well I had a job to do. My kids need me." She always referred her siblings as her kids, no one else's.

That's exactly what Jerome didn't want to hear. He clenched his fist and rolled his eyes.

"Josette. They don't need you anymore. Philip and Elijah are old enough to get a job."

A scoff excaped Josettes mouth. She stood up looking at him.

"They already have a job, one job each but it wasn't my choice for them to get a job they wanted to help me. So don't you think for a second that those kids don't need me because they do!" The anger had gotten the best of her at this moment.

Jerome stood up. "Okay fine I'm sorry, just trying to help." He rolled his eyes, put the bowl of soup down and walked towards the back door.

"Where are you going?" Josette followed

"It was good seeing you...I'll see you later." With that he walked out the back leaving Josette in a confused state.

He didn't want to leave, he got mad at her answer but he guessed that they did need her and that got him even more angry. Jerome knew that Josette wasn't fully happy she had so many dreams and goals that she never accomplished.

He hopped over a fence making sure not to be seen. If the GCPD caught him it would be sent back to Arkham...again.

Josette looked at the clock 2:30, still a while till the kids came back. She held Kol in her arms as she put a bowl in the sink.

Then loud knocks on her door. Must be Jerome she thought.

She opened the door, her eyes widening. A police badge was placed in her face then put back in the officers pocket. "James Gordon with the GCPD, you need to come with us ma'am."

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