Chapter 63

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(I'm updating this without editing or reading this. If there's any errors or mistakes I am truly sorry. Ily)

It's been a few months after the incident. Everything has been sorted out and everything is back to normal.

Though it still bothered me how real that camping trip felt..a lot of things keep me awake at night. About that. But besides all that I was able to successfully choreograph a routine. We didn't win first place but we did get second! And that's great.

Lance hugs me tightly leaning his head on top of mine, while I just hold onto him
"We got second! That's the best we've ever done! We couldn't have done it without you (Y/N)" he says happily

I close my eyes tightly and hug him back. "We couldnt have done it with everyone, I think we all make a pretty good team".

Lance's face turns red slightly and just kisses my forehead. He sighs quietly and pulls away holding onto my arms tightly, looking down at me. "Well this was our last competition for awhile now..ya know Shiro will be in and out of the dance studio, I'll take over for a little while but I'm not fit to plan everything. So we might have to hold off on competitions"

I shrug a bit "Well that just gives us more time to practice until we are able to go to one, and by the I'm sure we will win first place" I say happily. I take lance's hand and walk over to the rest of the group. Shiro walks over to me resting his arm over my shoulders "Okay everyone, how about y'all get ready at your houses and in about three hours or so I will take you all out for a fancy dinner?" He suggests.

I look around as everyone nods in agreement. And with that we all hug each other and say goodbye before heading to our cars.

I get into lance's car and sigh quietly "Lance?"

He hums a little "hm..?" As he turns the keys and pull out of the parking spot starting to drive towards the freeway.

"You know I love you right..? Like no words can describe how much I love you, you're always there for me, you always take care of me, you always show you love me. I feel like I don't tell you that I love you enough" I mumble quietly, while looking down at my thighs.

Lance chuckles a bit, "(Y/N) you know I love you too, and you know that I know you love me.." he takes a deep breath I'm tapping on his steering wheel trying to collect his words

"You know how I grew up..having to grow up quicker to take care of my cousins and nieces and nephews and such, I always flirted with girls because I thought it was just all fun and games, but when I met you, you were..and still are of course, stunningly beautiful, took my breath away..!"

I giggle my cheeks heating up while I reach over and hold his free hand that was resting in his lap.

He squeezes my hand tightly "So I guess in other words just you putting up with how annoying I am, and just settling for me show you love me, and I appreciate that because I love you too..! And you know I'm no good at finding my words." He mumbles quietly

"Lance it's okay, I didn't 'settle' for you I loved you from the first time we talked, you we're so sweet and kind, and I loved your personality, your sense of humor. Your cute little flirty remarks..I didn't settle I chose you, because I genuinely love you." Lance glances at me and sighs, smiling happily

I just giggle softly and look out the window humming to myself

"Ya knowwww we are graduating this year..."

I nod "yes lance we are, what about it?"

He looks over at me and smiles "Want to rent an apartment with me? Since your mom is still wanting to pay for the house you're in. You could stay with me in an apartment while we get prepared for college"

I nod smiling happily "really? I'd love to! I think that would be great" I reply.

With that lance drove me home. And for the reminder of the summer we looked at apartments and rounded up all the money we needed to pay for it. My l told me that she will keep the house as a summer house for any of us. And with other good news our apartment allows cats. So I can bring my babies with me.

Shiro retired basically, he started focusing on business more and left lance in charge while he's gone. Junk is no longer with our group as he continued his dream of being a cook rather than going in dance. But he still comes to our competitions and performances to support us and cheer us on. Pidge comes over a lot as she doesn't like staying at home much now that her brother is nagging her about college. Allura is still our costume designer and maker. And Keith comes over a lot now. I think he misses us, but he will never admit it. He now has his own "room" in the apartment when some of his clothes are from spending the night just because he was "dropping by" during a road trip. We know he wants to see us. He's not slick like that.

In the future after years and years and years of lances mom asking you about the future with you two. He brings you to a family party and gives you another promise ring. Saying this one is a place holder.
Not even a week later he takes you back to the park you two had that one date, in the same boat on the same date he proposed to you. You obviously said yes and happily accepted the proposal. Right away he called to tell his mom trying to hold back his tears so he wouldn't break down in front of you. You did the same. Calling your mother then shiro then Keith. Then of course pidge. Before texting hunk and allura of course.

It took a few months to plan the wedding both of you agreed to have it at the beach. But then the after party was at a room in a convention center. Since it's really hard to dance on sand. Of course Keith, hunk, and shiro was lances groomsmen, one of lances closest cousins being his best man. On the other hand your bridesmaids were allura, pidge, and hunks girlfriends Shay. Who was also the one who caught your bouquet.

Every further down the line lance and you finally bought a pretty house on the beach thanks to the money he got from working for this space company sort of thing. You kept your cats as your babies, but soon lance caught baby fever and kept bringing it up. Hardly letting you go a single day without giving some sort of sign he wanted a baby. After thinking and thinking you wanted one too.
Soon enough you two had a family of your cats and a little girl Lance is so protective over.

Hi hi!
Cece here

I just wanted to say I started this off in 2018. And sadly in 2019 I faced heavy amounts of depression and other things regarding that.not only did that affect me but it broke me. I didn't want to admit it but I did fall out of this book. Not just because voltron ended but because I lost hope and motivation for anything. I tried to write this chapter 6 times in the span of 8 months. I'm sorry I couldn't have done better and constantlyupdated.
But I am so incredibly thankful for all 26K+ of you. Who decided to read this book. I really do appreciate it. I love each and every one of you for being patient. And for the ones who were here in the beginning but slowly fell, I'm sorry if I couldn't meet your expectations, I'm glad you enjoyed my book in the beginning, I did too.
I'm very sorry for this book ending this quickly. I just felt like I couldn't continue it. I ran out of ideas, motivation and hope, and I felt bad about not giving it an ending because people are still adding this book to their library. (Thank you I love you).
Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.

If you enjoy my writing I have a few other books you might like, I have a book about my OCs which will be updated a lot more than anything else.

I'm planning on publishing my own original fantasy book with my friend. Called "Enchanted" which you could read when it's out on EnchantedSR
But I also have a concept book for it on my account.
(I also have a KeithXReader fanfiction I might update)
I would really appreciate it if you could try to check out my original writings;; give me some feedback, I would greatly appreciate it.

But again I love you all. Thank you so much for liking and adding this book to your libraries. I hope you have a wonderful life🥰💕

Btw: I will also be writing a fan fiction about the SpecOps guy aka riot/Tank/alpha.
Except for it will be an oc of mine who appears like them.
I just feel bad about writing fan fiction about a real person so. I made my own SpecOps 🥺👉👈

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