Chapter 47

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I walk out of the building with Daniel, while we are walking we stop in front of the library I take a look at his schedule

'Ah—Of course he's in my PE and Bio class'

"So Daniel, you have a zero period, which you need to be there by 6:15 grace period is 6:25, you are in fact in bio with Me and Lance, so if you need help on the homework or anything ask"

After I explain to him what goes on in his third period classroom the bell rings, we sit at a table and just wait for all of the students to be in their classroom we get up and I show him to the rest of his class, we arrive at his sixth period class which is Health,

" apologies it seems you ALSO have health with me"
Daniel smiles, Lance walks up to us, tapes a poster to the wall aggressively frowning at Daniel then he smiles and kisses me, After lance continues to aggressively frown at him while walking away

"I apologize for Lance—he's very over Protective of me"
I chuckle
"I noticed—can we go sit over at the tables and talk?"

I shrug, we both walk over to the tables he sits across from me.
After minutes of awkward silence go by he finally speaks up
"May I ask—What did you do after we broke up"

I stare at him blankly and reply
"I'm not going to lie—I cried, you were my first relationship, I loved you, I thought—I thought you love me, after you broke up with me I was completely crushed, I thought I wasn't good enough, I thought it was because of how I look or do things, I saw that you moved on—because of Social media, you seemed happy, I was happy for you, I tried to move on, I couldn't until I met Lance..."

We look over at Lance who Threw tape at the wall out of frustration because it ran out.
Daniel chuckles
"You two are well for each other—I'm happy for you (y/n)"
He puts his Hand on my shoulder

I smile, Lance asked for another person to help him, I'm pretty sure sure that he didn't pick him because Kai comes walking up to us with a staple gun

"Hey Lovebirds, seen lance anywhere—I have to get the posters from him—Who's that guy anyways"
"This is Daniel, he's new to the school"

Daniel watched the staple gun cautiously as Kai swings it carelessly around his finger,

He hits the gun with his hand causing a few staples to shoot out at me, Daniel stands up quickly and pulls me out of the way, Daniel holds tight onto my arms

"Careful where our shoot that thing jackass"
"Hey! I didn't mean to shoot it at her, but I will shoot it at you~"

Kai points the staple gun at Daniel, Him being much taller than me, I wasn't in the line of fire, Kai shoots one staple out and it pierces itself into Daniel's shoulder, he winces in pain
"You little—"

I stop Daniel and shake my head, I walk up to Kai, I slowly move my hand up to the gun to his hand, pushing his hand down, moving closer to him I get my face close to his

"Next time—use the safety lock"
I twist the staple gun out of his hand and point it towards him pushing him back with it
"Fine then, I'll use the tape"

Kai winks and turns his back towards me, I shoot one at his back, He Yelps a bit, I start cracking up, when he's a bit away I bring Daniel over to the table

"Wow—My first day and I already got shot with a staple gun"
I laugh nervously removing his arm from his jacket sleeve
"God, You're bleeding, Um come with me to the health office for a bit—I will tell Lance to tell the secretary about this, I doesnt look deep enough for you to have hit anything important—we're lucky that It only hit your skin"

I sigh in relief as we both stand up
He smirks wiggling his eyebrows
I laugh rolling my eyes

We the health office, no one is in there and the doors are all closed
"I'll try and find someone to help"
I wait with him until he's all comfy on the bed thing, I turn around but he grabs my shirt sleeve

"Can you help me? I feel like if I wait any longer or move the staple will like—Move into my skin even more...and you're the only person I trust right now"

I look at him then to the doors, I sigh
"I'm really not supposed to be doing this"
I go and lock all the doors then walk back over to him with supplies

"You're lucky that I know how to deal with wounds like this—"
He smiles slightly then stares at me a bit

"Now how am I supposed to do this...I need to get a clean visual of the wound, which just has to be....Thanks to a certain
writer—'s placed on your chest right next to your arm, Could you—Could you know"

He nods and removes his arm from his shirt, pulling it over his shoulder
A wave of chills move over my body I fill up a bowl with warm water, putting the cloth in, I take it out and let the water drip out into the wound,

He lays back down,
"I have to do this carefully—this might hurt"
He nods

I take the tweezers and pull the Stapler Directly up, Accidentally Daniel pushes my side

"Calm down you big baby"
I give him a bandaid
He puts it on and thanks me by pulling me down into a hug, I push my self up and start laughing

We both laugh with each other for awhile, I roll over and lay next to him

"You know—If you would have stayed we probably would have been good friends"
"I know, after I left I felt guilty, As you know my parents were split up and I was living with my brother—Since my brother was in a band, they got a gig in Canada or somewhere so we moved there—I'm sorry I wish I could have told you, I broke up with you because I thought a long distance relationship wouldn't work out, I was stupid, forgive me?"

I smile and hug him
"Of course I can, yeah you did kind of leave me heart broken—but if this wouldn't have happened I wouldn't have ever met Lance"

Daniel clears his throat
"Y-Yeah, can I be honest with you"
I nod

"How do I put this—If I didn't move I would still want to—go out—with you, my feelings never really did leave"
I sit there shocked, I get up and sit on the bed facing him, he gets up facing me

"Are you serious? I'm flattered—But you did leave me a day after we broke up, without saying anything...and I saw that you were dating someone else..."
I hear a noise but don't pay any attention to it

He moves closer and closer to me,
"I know and I'm sorry—That other person wasn't a real relationship or anything—I never liked her and she didn't care about me, she just wanted to be in any relationship...."

'What is he—is he trying to kiss me"
With this knowledge I start backing up until he pushes me over

I tilt my head back and see lance in the doorway crossing his arms glaring at us
"You said your feelings for him were gone"

The tone of his voice is sharp and cold
"T-They Are it's not what it looks like—I swear"

Daniel Gets up and clears his throat
"It's true—Someone named Kai shot me in the chest with the staple gun, (y/n) being the only one who knew how to remove a stapler I trusted her with it—I hugged her and see started talking—I guess I got carried away—Her intentions weren't the same as mine"

Lance looks at us both up and down, his facial expressions grew softer as he sighs Bringing me into a hug
I look at Daniel and mouth the words 'thank you'

'He seemed to be the only guy who told the truth to Lance, I'm thankful to have a forgiving boyfriend'
Lance kisses the top of my head and tells me we have to meet up in front of the gym with everyone else

We say our goodbyes to Daniel and I hand him his extra copy of his schedule
"Have a nice day, if you really need to ask a question ask the office for my number"
He nods

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt