Chapter 58

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We arrive at the camp entrance, Shiro and Allura lets us all out. Keith and Lance take down their bags , we have a ton since we are going to be staying here for five days after all.

I get out taking my backpack out of the back before I can put it on hunk picks me up on his shoulders causing me to drop it rushing towards the front where we can check in. I laugh holding onto his shirt.
"Careful not to drop her" Shiro yells at us not even trying to control us kids anymore

"Are you excited to be here or what?"
I climb down his back walking in front of him.
"I haven't been camping in so long, it feels great to be out in the wilderness"

"I agree! Oh Pidge would've loved this—The nature and the WiFi!"
Hunk and I share a laugh. The others catch up with us, Lance puts down my back pack down next to me. I give him and quick kiss thanking him. He smiles proudly. One of the councilors walk out greeting us.

"Hey guys, the name is Conner, I'm not only one of the directors I'm also the archery coaches so what name should I ding you guys under?"

Conner looks through the list, he checks something off and hands us a map.
"You guys will be in cabin 420–"

'Please don't say wing Two please don't For the love of—"
"Wing two! It's a very nice cabin, so once you get back in your car you—"
I walk away from the group sitting on the step of the van. Keith and Lance sits on both sides of me as hunk stands in front of me.

"See I told you it's real!"
"Shut Up! Just because we got the cabin doesn't mean the myths are real!"
"Yeah huh"
"YEaH hUh"
NuH Huh!"
"Yeah huh!" Keith and Lance say at the same time annoying the crap out of me. I growl

"Fine....Maybe I'll use some of my powers and sacrifice you two to the demon"
I wiggle my fingers
"You have powers?"

I hit them both up the side of their heads shaking mine in disappointment.
"I don't even know what to say, but of course not you idiots"
I dig through my backpack and take out a deck of cards

"I do have my — Tarot cards"
They gasp looking at them
"I'm joking it's a regular deck of cards—Man y'all dense as fuck"
I giggle getting back to my seat as I see Shiro and Allura walking back over to us. Lance and Keith growl getting in their seat, hunk gets in laughing at my comment.

Shiro drives us down to our cabin, while Allura and Shiro Nonchalantly Get out bringing their stuff to the cabin The boys and I sit in our seats silently.
"Who's going in first?" We look at each other

"Keith" Hunk, Lance and I say ...Keith shakes his head "Why me!"
"You're the toughest one!" Hunk says
"Plus you always have a knife on you!" lance Adds, with me agreeing

"What makes you think that I have a knife on me right now?" He says leaning back in his seat. I open up his jacket taking his blade from his inside compartment giving it to him.
"Ya See?"

He puts his blade down growling "fine you pansies Get your shit and let's go" we get out the van grabbing our stuff following Closely behind Keith. We walk in and don't see Shiro and Allura. I yelp holding onto Keith's jacket from behind Lance holding onto my arm and hunk "hiding" behind lance.

"Shiro Allura! Where did you go? Oh lord the ghosts took them!"
"Oooooo We have your precious leader and friend in our possessions~" we hear banging on the walls as the door suddenly closes hearing a evil laugh. I squat down on my knees covering my head. Lance sits down pulling me towards him. Hunk sits down behind us pulling both of us to him.

"Keith you go and investigate!"
"W-what! hell no I don't want to be taken next! You do it lance!"
Lance let's out a high pitched "What!"

We hear laughing from the other side of the wall. I stand up kicking the wall I hear it from. The wall ends up just being. A curtain. I pull it back exposing Allura and Shiro Laughing their butts off.

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now