Chapter 46

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In the morning I noticed when I woke up lance and I Fell asleep leaning on the window.
I stand up, grab my clothes and get dressed quickly before he wakes up , I head over to the kitchen and make some breakfast, Lance walks down the stairs and sit at the bar table

"Whatcha making"
"Some Eggs And bacon and toast~"
I put his plate in front of him and we both start to eat our food
"Oh yeah by the way we have a field trip today"

"Wait seriously?"
He nods and tears into a piece of bacon
"The dance crew is going to another dance studio—and get this, the person who is going to be working with us is the choreographer for Beyoncé!"

I spit out my food almost choking
"Are you kiddin me?! Oh my gosh then I need to change"
"Oh yeah and we will be staying in a hotel for the week, so pack a bag, I already had mine packed so I dropped it off at shiro's house,sorry for dropping this on you last minute"
"Don't apologize you're fine"
I finish my food ,kiss lance, run upstairs and change into some of my dance clothes—running back downstairs Lance waits for me at the door"
We arrive at school early
"Hey since we are going to the studio during second period let's skip zero and first"

I gasp
"Wow lance—how rebellious"
I laugh, we both walk into the front office
"(Y/n)! Hi are you ready for your field trip"
One of the secretaries ask
"Actual we are! And we came to ask—since we are leaving, second period, may we please stay here and help with something?"

"Are you sure you're not needed in first and zero?"
I nod
"Yes—today in zero period we are going to be working on a study guide for a chapter 14 test coming up, which both Lance and me finished, we study together at home—then in first period which is math we are working on a protractor practice worksheet with five pages, our teacher said we will be doing pages 3 and 4 today—since I already know how to use a protractor I will be able to finish those to pages and help lance as well."
I smile widely being proud with my excuse, the two secretaries look at each other then smile at me
"Okay follow me to the back"

We follow her to this small room, she places two pieces of passers infront of us
"(Y/n) since you are very outgoing and smart you are going to be showing our new student around today—ironically he is also tagging along on a field trip with his AP history class so you will just show him where his classrooms are, the basic rules, how to avoid certain things and answer any question he asks"

"Any question?"
"Any question no matter how weird it is"
"Hold up—a guy?"

"Yes the new students name is Daniel"
She hands me a piece of paper,
"Here this has his schedule on it"

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with you walking around school alone with a guy—what if He's exactly like Kai"
Come on lance no one can be that bad—besides I'm basically on work he can't do anything"

"Lance would you mind putting up posters for the clubs around school"
She hands lance a ton of flyers he takes them all and stands up
"Hey lance this way you can keep an eye on my and this Daniel kid"

"When she Meets him can I be with her?"
"Go ahead, I'll leave you two to your jobs, have fun!"
She walks away leaving me and lance I'm the room

"Lance don't be such a sour puss"
"I don't like the idea of leaving you with other guys"
He sits back down on a chair

"Aw come on, is it because you don't trust me?"
I walk over to the door locking it and walk back over to lance

"It's not that-of course I trust you! I just don't trust the other guys—(y/n) guys are complete animals don't trust them...except me of course I'm not like that but—there are some guys out there and when they see a pretty girl they go after her like she's an object or something.."
He shudders I walk back over to him sitting on his lap facing him, I lean over and hug him
"Nothing is going to happen, I don't know this guy and this guy doesn't know me so what is he going to do?"

I kiss lance roughly then break away hearing a knock at the door, I lean my head on lances chest then I get up walking over and unlocking the door

A guy stands there messy hair, a beanie, graphic t shirt, a flannel, and some rip skinny jeans he's looking down at a piece of paper
"Hey is this...where I can find—(y/n) ?"

"I'm (y/n) who are you?"
He looks up at me with his hazel eyes
"I'm Daniel, the new student"
I slam the door on his face

Lance laughs at it
'Crapity crap crap, I remember him..has he forgotten about me...will he remember me, What is he going to say when I open the door...'

I slowly open the door looking down
"Did I do something wrong?"
I shake my head and look up at him, his eyes widen
"Oh—(y/n), I haven't seen you in a long time! How have you been"

He walks in and hugs me, I pat his back
"I-I've been good—I'm guessing you've been well too"

He nods
"You look...Beautiful as always your outfit compliments your body beautifully"
He kisses my hand and smiles
'Still as straight forward as always I see...'

Lance slams his hand on the desk then walk over to me and puts his arm around me pulling me closer to him, to where my head is burried into his chest
"H-Hi, im Daniel Lynn, you are?"

"(Y/n)'s boyfriend"
"Oh—I see, I'm not've moved on quickly I see, your name?"
"Lance McClain"

"Nice to meet you lance"
"Wish I could say the same—Daniel"
I pry my way from Lance's arms " you mind waiting outside real quick"

He nods and shuts the door behind him
"You KNOW him?!"
"I do! I'm sorry! I didn't know that he was THAT Daniel!"

"Well Who is he?!"
"An ex..."
Lance stares at me for a few then bangs his head on the wall, I rush over to his pulling him into a hug
"Stop it—Stop worrying, he had his reasons to break up with me, so he won't try anything"

"Wait—You didn't break up with him?! So you still had feelings for him, when did they disappear? Do you—do you still have them?"
Lance sighs burying his head in my neck, I stay silent for awhile, then I grab Lance's face by the cheeks and make him look at me

"They disappeared when I meant you, I realized Daniel is old news, I hated him for leaving me hurt—But I liked the IDEA of the relationship, I met you and they disappeared because you made me feel special, so stop Moping and calm down"
I kiss lance and walk back over to the door, I wave and walk out to Daniel

"Follow me this way and I'll start our...Uh tour/?"

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang