Chapter 31

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"(Y/n) ,Lance! There you guys are!"
Allura runs over to us
"Did the bell ring yet?"
She shakes her head
We walk over and sign in and sit down at a table

Kai and the other girl walks in and sit at our table. We just stare at them wondering why did they have to sit here Of all
"Hello everyone, (y/n)"
"Hello bitch baby"
I snap back at him looking away

"Ooo that hurt, that hurt a lot"
He smirks making me roll my eyes in disgust
"H-how about we play a g-game?"
That one Girl offers

"Not today!"
Lance and I tell her
I sigh
"How about we play just dance, the teacher some how has an X-Cube in here, and the game so"

Everyone agrees
"Yeah no harm in that"
We all get up and move to the center of the room,
"Let's make teams!"
The girl claps her hands

She dubs her and Kai as team leaders, the girl picks Matt and Kai looks around. The points his nasty little finger at me
He smiles

I reluctantly walked over and stood arms length away from him
The girl picks someone else
Kai is looking around the room, tapping his chin with his finger
I stand close behind him

"You better pick Lance you little twat"
"Aw in that tone? Cmon honey that's not very nice"
I groan
"How about you pick lance—for me? Pleaseee"

Kai picks lance, he jumps over to our side and hugs me
"Thank god I get to stay with you"
He kisses the top of my head
"I know, if you weren't on my team and I was left with him....I would kill him" I reply hugging lance tighter

A few minutes passed and we got out team
On our team it's, Me, Kai, Lance, and Keith,
The girl picks the first song, she chooses "the way"

Her and Matt dance, now it's our turn, Kai and I have to dance together since I'm The only girl, Lance is heated, Keith just pats him on the shoulder
"It's just for dancing, besides she hates him you have nothing to worry about right?"

"Yeah I know but...I don't trust him, something in me tells me there is something about him that just isn't right"
Keith leans his arm on Lance's shoulder
"You See it too?"

Lance nods
"There is something in the kids head that just isn't right"

We finish the dance and I quickly Run over behind lance and Keith before Kai can reach me
"We won that round- what no victory hug"

I sigh
"Of course we won that's what I should give"
I walk in front of him then quickly turning around slapping him with my hair (unless you have short hair then you turn around quickly stepping on his foot) and walking back over to Keith and lance and give them both a hug,

They look down at me and then back at Kai smirking, he scoffs
"What about me"
I walk up to him and stare at him blankly, unamused.

"In your dreams sweetheart"
"Can't Wait Babe"
I groan in disgust and quickly walk back over to lance and cling on to his arm

About 20 minutes later our team is in the lead, we have one more song,
"I Luh ya papi"  hahaha
"(Y/n) you dancing to this"

I scoff
"And why do I have to dance to this?"
"Because—A girl dances to this? And you're a girl soo??"
I stand up
"Way to sound sexist"

"I'll do it"
Keith, Kai and I look over to lance
"Are you serious, you? McClain don't embarrass yourself"
Kai says smirking
"Well, Lance is a pretty good dancer, probably better than you, Kai"

'Ooo nice one keith'
"Uh- There is no way he can dance better than me"
I walk over to hunk and them and tell them not to do anything for this round then walk back over to Keith and cross my arms

"Come on Kai, now don't embarrass yourself"
"I- How dar- Uh- Fine, we both dance to this song and you guys can vote on who's better"

I laugh mentally
I get the song to show up on the screen, Lance and Kai stand in front

(By the video thumbnail can you guess what kind of dance moves there are X3)

I walk back over to Keith,
"He does realize only one person here likes him right"
I shrug
"He can realize that the hard way"

We watch them dance, I'll give it to him...Kai is a really good dancer— if he wasn't such an conceited jerk it would be great to have him on the team, but he motions are stiff— on the other hand Lance, getting everything correct, it's obvious he's done this before,

I laugh a bit at the thought of Lance dancing to this song with his cousins, cute — but anyways Everything is coming so natural to him— he's relaxed, he really is the better dancer probably because Kai is more focused on beating him instead of the music, lance always blocks out everything and just pays attention to the music

The stop in the finishing pose we cheer
"Alright I think it's safe to say that, Lance is the better dancer!"

Lance runs over to me laughing, he picks me up and kisses me
"I knew you would win, no one here likes him"
I whisper to lance

Kai groans and stomps over to a seat and sits down we all go our way around the classroom, I sit in a corner in the very back with my knees to my chest, i burry my head in my knees


"Hey princess"
I lift my head up to see Lance sitting in front of me smiling softly
"What's wrong"

I shake my head
"You know when you have those days where you just want to curl up into a ball and cry and scream, and you're scared of something so you start freaking out— wanting to cry more but——— you don't know why?"

Lance looks at me worriedly, then looks at the floor and back at me
"You don't have to lie to me lance"
I burry my face back in knees

"No no no no- I do understand— I've been through that, I not lying— I'm sorry if it seems like I was- I just, got worried that you're feeling like that"
He lifts my head up with both of his hands and smiles

"After school want to sit and talk somewhere"
I nod
"My house?"
He smiles and kisses the side of my cheek

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now