Chapter 18

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"You see that, that's my room right there, all we have to do is climd up onto the shed and we are in!"

Lance helps me on top Of the shed then gets himself up, the space between us and his window is like 6ft and me being in the 4'10 - 5'5 range can't do that

"Relax, I got this"
He puts me intop Of his shoulders and I push his window open,
"Okay now climb in"

"How are you going to get up here"
"I have my ways"
I climb in the window and help lance get in also,
"Told you we will get in"

I laugh
"Lance gathers a bunch of blankets and pillows and hands them to me, he told me to take them downstairs,

He runs down after me and tells me to wait in his room, I do So, noticing his family decorates the stairs with lights
'So cute'
a few minutes more like 35 he calls me back into the living room, I notice the lights were now on and in the living room stands a blanket tent with white lights strung around and the sofa sitting inside with feet rests, pillows and blankets

"Lance it's beautiful"
He hugs me
"Not as beautiful as you"
He boops my nose
He picks me up and takes me inside the tent and joins me under the blankets

"Soo...which movie you want to watch??"
" about heathers?"
"Let's do it!"

In the middle of the movie lance and I some how created some distance between us, and I guess we are both new to this couple thing, it's awkward for us, we both don't know what to do....

I look at lance, focused on the movie, without looking at me he extends his arm out towards me and motions for me to go over to him

I scoot closer until his hand is on my shoulder, he pulls me closer I him until my head is resting against his chest, I can tell he's nervous I mean his heart is beating really fast, so is mine,

The credits start rolling,
"Man JD is such a dick"
"Right? I mean who uses his girlfriends hand as a cigarette lighter?!"
"Yeah, She got burned for goodness sake help her not light your cigarette with it"

We both start laughing
Lance stops to look at me,
"(Y/n), how long have we known each other"
"....since elementary, I just didn't talk to you until freshman year in bio"

"Wow, I'm surprised we didn't talk earlier"
"I still remembered when you almost blew up our lab experiment"
I laugh

"Are you nervous about the competition?"
"....yes- Yes I am, I've grown more confident but only in front of you and my friends, by the whole school, and other teams"
"You'll do great I promise"
"Thanks I love you, O- one second I'm getting a text"

P: are y'all having fun with some Netflix and cHiLL

I blush and and stuff my phone in my pocket
He laughs

"What did she say?"
"Nothin- something about Netflix and....stuff..."
"Netflix and stuff? Mhmm,are you sure she said 'stuff'"
"Yeah I'm sure-"

He  pushes me back against the sofa, and moves really close to my ear
"I love youuu~"
He kisses the side of my neck which makes me yelp causing me to blush even more, lance collapses on me laughing

I pout and look away
"It's not funny"
He continues to laugh into my neck
"I'm sorry it's just- it's so cute when you get flustered"

"No it's not- you're just a teaser, no one likes a teaser..!"
He looks at me and smiles at me in a subductive way,
"Are you sure~ you seem to not care~"

He caresses my stomach, and kisses the side of my neck
He continues and ignores me I let out a half a moan and cover my mouth blushing redder than a tomato lance stops and looks at me blushing

"I-Im sorry, I was just joking around- I wasn't going to do anything I promise, I just got carried away (y/n) I didn't mean to really...!"
He hugs me and hides his face in my hair

"I was the one that did that I should be hiding my face,"
Lance apologizes once more then pulls out the leg rest of the reclining sofa,

"It's getting pretty late, I should get back and check on Keith"
"Wait now (y/n) stay please...! Look I have two pillows!"
I sigh and rolls my eyes
"Fine Alright, but remember we have school tomorrow"
He nods and pulls me down with me, I yawn

"Goodnight lance"
"Goodnight babe"
I smile and bury my face in his chest as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him


I wake up on the sofa alone, and see lance sprawled out on the floor,
I laugh and throw a pillow at him.
"Get Up we still have to go to school"

"I'm up I'm up, if we keep spending the night at each other's houses people are going to suspect things"
He laughs
"Let them, we don't have time to eat so, grab an apple I still have to go by my house and grab some new clothes,"

"Do we have to, can't you just wear one of mine"
"What do You have?"
He walks up to his room and comes back down with a copy of his famous blue and white baseball Tee, and jeans"

"Those jeans are from two years ago they might fit, if they do you can keep them"
I thank him and change upstairs, we grab an apple and drive to school

Ah, sixth period forensic science, I sit at my table with my head down
"So where did you two go last night, you didn't come back"

I lift my head to see Keith sitting down in his seat next to me
"We went to his house and watched movies"

"Are you sure that all you did"
"What are you talking about Keith"
"The mark on your neck, the purple one"
"Yeah you have a mark on your neck looks like a bruise, or maybe-"

"No keith, no..! We didn't do anything I swear-"
That time, on the sofa- when lance was playing around
I groan
Keith takes his jacket off and gives it to me

"It will hide it, I'm surprised you didn't notice"
"I noticed people staring at me...ughh I'm so embarrassed"
"Don't be, what did you and Lance even do last night?"

"I told you! We watched a movie then he..started messing around teasing me in a certain way, he ended up getting carried away and this must have happened without him realizing..."

"Yikes, I didn't know he was capable of doing this, he always seemed to be a goody two shoes"
I groan and hit my head against the desk

"I'm seeing him after school also, I have to say something right?"
"Whatever you think is right"

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن