Chapter 55

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Lance and I sit down on the stage, it's been an hour and we are already exhausted from all the children running around. There is food everywhere. I'm just glad we don't have to clean it up. Lance groans

"These kids are worse then my nieces and nephews"
"We already danced for them now what?"
"We have an hour left right?"
I nod

"Why don't you do that Pearly shells dance?"
I sigh
I stand up going to the middle of the stage I put my two fingers up against my lips whistling really loud, the kids stop and look at me.

"Alright Everyone! Come sit down in front of the stage!"
All the kids sit down in front Lance sits down on the edge of the stage. (It's the stages that are literally 2ft high)

"You guys want to learn a dance?"
They screech "YeS"
I sit on my knees and my grass skirt flows over my legs.

"Alright, in Hawaii every song tells a story—like the lullabies your mum tells you— and will every word there is a movement, you can just follow along—it's easy! Trust me"
(This May or may not be a clip from a Disney sing along song thing I use to watch when I was like 3-now lmaoooo I watch when I absolutely bored)

(Btw you aren't wearing what they are in this video, you're wearing something like Lilo from lilo and stick, the red top and grass skirt,)
Soon enough all the little 6-8 year olds join me in the song. Lance gets up standing next to me. Dancing along with me. (Ya know that part in the video where they stand up and move their hips too lmao)

We have 20 more minutes to spend with the kids. Lance is sitting down with a bunch of kids in the middle of a braid train. He's on his stomach so he kids can reach his hair while he braids the little girls hair in front of him. As of right now I'm playing princess with the rest of them.

One boy takes my hand and leads me behind this cardboard ship.
"Hahaha the princess is ours now!"
The little boy says drawing his sword. The rest of his little "pirate crew" runs over to us and climbs on top of me.

"Ah! Please help me little fairies of the Ocean!"
"Oh no our princess! We must find help!"

The little girls frantically run around, while the little boys tell me to sit on the chair in the middle of the stage.
I have my hands behind me pretending for them to be tied.

"Help! Oh please help someone!"
Lances group (which is more than half of all the kids) sits down in front of the stage pretending like it's a show.

One of the "fairies" look around and spots lance standing in the back chuckling. She runs up to him

"Sir! You must save our princess she's trapped on a pirates ship!"
Lances looks at me then back at the little girl picking her up

"Then I shall help you and save your princess bringing her back safety! Now show me to your village!"
The little girl points the way as lance dramatically gallops over there the little girls are yanking at his arms telling him I'm over here.

He pretends to swim and hops up onto the stage or "the pirate ship"
He looks at me putting his finger up to his mouth making a 'shhh' noise.

"Oh pirate boys! I'm hungry, when can I have some food?"
The little boys run over to the snack station gathering food.

Lance walks up to me
"Taking your sweet time I see"
He chuckles at my comment "untying" me from the chair. I get up and spin around my skirt flowing. I giggle at the small braids in lances hair

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now