Chapter 8

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I finish making food for us and give him his plate and sit down,
"Want to watch TV?"
He nods, and I turn it on

While eating I start to Think, you know that kind of thinking you do when something happens so you end up getting an anxiety attack,

'Lance and I had known each other since freshman year of high school, and we are only sophomores now, we never really hung out, since he would always hang out with the "cool" kids, and I would spend my time drawing under a tree, but we became friends just two days ago, I already started liking him, is that bad, but in those two days we've done things that a couple would do, that's kind of bothering me, does he like me or is he just, leading me on,

I start to cough,
"(Y/n) are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah, im A-Okay"
He smiles and continues to eat,

I finish my plate, after him and take both of our plates back to the sink,
"What do you want to do today?"
I lean on the island in our kitchen
"I'm not trying to like push you away, bc I do want you to stay longer, but shouldn't you let your family know your still here,don't you think they are worried?"

He stops and looks at me
"Oh crap,"
"Since I didn't babysit yesterday, I have to babysit today after school" he rubs his head,
"Hey, maybe this is the chance for you to help me babysit"

"Yeah, wanna do it"
"Yes please!"
"Okay we can walk over to my house in three hours, bc it might take us an hour to walk"

"Why don't we take the bus?"
"Are you kidding and pretty girl like you on a bus, not safe, we can walk"

'There he goes again..'
I sigh
I walk over and sit next to him

I get my backpack and put into my shoes and walk over to lance who is waiting by the door,
"Alrighty, I left my mom a note, I got the extra key, let's go!"
I lock the door behind us
"Is your mom away from home a lot"

"Yeah, I'm use to staying by myself, can I tell you a secret?"
He nods and leans in close
"When I was around 10 and my mom would leave I would bring My American girl doll downstairs with all her stuff and act like she was my kid"

He awes
"Really that's so cute"
I slightly blush
"I would only do it bc I hated the feeling of being alone, like during school you would have friends and come home to a big family, during school I would sit under the tree and draw then come home to my mom being gone most of the time"

He hugs me
"It's tough huh"
"Yeah but I don't blame her , it's her job keeping her this late, not having a husband to look after you and your kid is hard"

"I never thought about it that way"
He stops in front of me
"(Y/n) if there is ever a time when your mom isn't home and your sick, scared or just bored call me, if I can take care of many nephews nieces, my sisters and grandparents I can surely take care of you"

I smile
"That's sweet Lance"
We continue walking and arrive at his house, it's huge..
He reads a note on the door

"Lance we already left, the kids are inside sleeping, you know the drill"
He sighs
"These kids are like animals, the know when there is someone new in the house, be prepared

We walk inside and we hear someone yell
"Lance is home!"

A bunch of kids come running,
"Aw they are all so cute"
Try look at me and lance,and crowd around me
"Who are you?"
"You know my Tio lance"
"Are you guys dating"

"Lance is this your girlfriend"
He chuckles and blushes,
"N-No she's a very close friend"
He winks

We moved all the kids to the living room and put on a movie, I bring them all some chips and lance brings them drinks,
I sit down next to him on the floor,

A little girl crawls up to me
"Hi, you're pretty"
"Aw thank you and your pretty too"
She giggles
I pull her up to my lap
"This is Maria one of the youngest girls in the family"
"Aw hi Maria, you have very pretty hair, mind if I braid it?"
She nods

I start brushing her hair and put it into a braid
"There you go"
"Thank you"
She kisses my cheek and crawls off

"She's so precious"
"They all are aren't they"
I nod
"Family vacations aren't that fun, being the oldest I have to be squished In a van with all the kids"
I laugh then cover my mouth
"That's is, very sad"
I laugh again

"Lance, lance! Can we play the game?"
"But she's new"
"Exactly" one of the older one says

Lance sighs and looks at me
"They want to know if you want to play their favorite game with them"
"Sure What is it"
"A zombie apocalypse type of thing, the blue team hides when the red team is zombies and have to find everyone , you just have to be okay with getting dirty"

"Aw but this is one of my favorite sweaters"
"Wear one of mine,"
He throws me one of his shirts that was left on the chair

"Okay thanks"
I walk in the other room and get changed then walk back
He laughs
"It's so big on you"
I stick out my tongue and go over to Maria
"Sweetie can I use the hair tie I promise when we are done playing the game I'll rebraid it"
She nods and gives it to me
I tie up the shirt

"Alright, when do we start playing,"

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now