Chapter 23

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Lance looks at me and rushes to my side, he picks up Kashi then sets him on the ground then walks back over to me picks me up and sets me on his lap on the floor

"(Y/n) what's wrong, it hurts me to see you cry"
He wipes and tear from a face but they just keep coming
"I said things to my mom and realized things- she said things, and now she probably hates me because I told her about you and what we did in the boat"

He stays silent
"Lance say something, please-I'm sorry I didn't say your name so she doesn't know who you are, she told me if we did that in a boat of all places she doesn't want me to be with you it's unheard of—of what we did,"

He still stays silent, I look at him and cry more
"Now are you mad at me, I said I sorry lance please say something! Anything, just please don't stay silent-"
Lance finally looks at me with tears in his eyes

"Why are you crying?"
"Because- even after you were scarred of what your mom was going to think you still told her- you were proud to tell her about me and that...makes me happy"

He hugs me
"Even if you feel like no one is listening or noticing you, I'll always be right here okay?"
I nod and continue crying into his shirt he uncrosses his legs sets me off his knee and in-between and pulls me closer to him

"We can just sit here I know we were going to practice but we already know all the moves- you need someone to be by your side, so we will sit here as long as you like- until you feel better and more after, Okay"

"Thank you"
He kisses my head, rests his chin on top on my head and plays with my hair then he starts singing to me— I don't know the song but it was pretty,

"Yes M'lady"
"Thank you lance, you are the best boyfriend a girl can ask for"
I look up at him and kiss under his chin, it was all I could reach, besides his neck but— we know what would have happened

"Let's run away"
I look at lance
"Just until tomorrow, we can buy a hotel room near the competition, and go from there, then stay another night or how ever long you need"

"Lance- we have school still"
"I have a friend in every class I can ask them what I missed, you have Pidge in most of your classes, and If you don't I'm in the class so"
I look at him then at Kashi, he walks over and sits in my lap I pet his back

"Let's do it, but how are we going to get out without my mom seeing us?"
"We can um- go through the window?"
I nod, Come on

I slowly open the door and we both go into my room, I close the door and lock it, I get a suit case and a duffle bag out from my closet and give one to him, I pack some clothes, toothbrush you know the usuals, and then I pack a blanket I've had since I was little (I use it as my travel blanket now) and some other stuff, I get my charger and some snacks for us

"Now the competition is four hours away, we need to find a hotel near there"
Lance pulls one up on his phone
"Found one!"

Alright, I open my window and see it's raining, ooo this ain't going to be good...
Lance puts on his jacket and his hood,

"Lance hand me your clothes over there"
He does and I shove them into the duffle and give it to him
"Your bag, we need to stop by your house and get you your stuff"
He nods and sits on my window sill,

"You reAdy M'lady?"
"Can I just- leave a note, for my mom"
He nods and go ahead a leave a note explaining where we are going and why but not giving the address, I unlock my door and grab one of my stuff animal and head over to lance who helps me out of the window, I close it behind me

"Be careful it's slippery"
I slip and fall to the edge,
He pulls me up
"I just realized we are on the second floor, how are we supposed to get down now!"
I whine

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن