Chapter 10

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I'm driving down the street humming to some songs on the radio, glancing over to (y/n) to see if she woke up yet,
'What would she say if she woke up right now'

Her phone chimes and lights up, I hesitatingly pick it up and look
"Wow 112 unread messages from pidge and 4 voice mails, Pidge must worry about her, she's a good friend"

Her phone starts ringing and the caller ID is from Pidge,
Should I answer, to let Pidge know she's okay, I answer and put Pidge on speaker and set her phone on the dashboard

"(Y/n) where are you, why haven't you answered any of my calls or texts?! Are you okay!"

"She's okay"

"A- Who is this and how do you have her phone...what did you do to her you-"

"Calm down its Lance, McClain, she went over to my house to help babysit, she feel asleep and I'm taking her home now"

"In a car"


" she still asleep"

"Asleep and in the passenger seat yes"

"Now that I got you here, can you answer a few questions?"


"How long have you and (y/n) known each other"

"Well, to be honest, I've known her since kindergarten, but we've never really talked until, freshman year when we were in a biology class together"

"Wow, really...anywho what do you think of her."

"Well, she's a cool person, I- I mean, she's really sweet and kind, and over all an amazing, stunning person, I don't know, she has the personality to make other jealous"

"What about her looks"

"Her looks, Well um, she's really pretty she has a rose look, and her voice is relaxing, aside from looks seeing her with my cousins and them today she has a way with kids for somebody with no siblings, it was cute"

"Well yeah when her mom would leave her she would go over to her neighbors house and watch the kids there"


"Lance are you a flirt,"


"Are you a flirt, I need to know if your acting like a flirt towards (y/n) I don't want her feelings to be toyed with"

"Oh so you've heard about me at school,"


"I know I flirt with other girls, and call them pretty and use pick up lines, but that's bc I'm trying to be nice and impress them but when I say things like that to (y/n) I don't mean it to be in a jerk/ flirty way"

"So in other words you mean it"

"Maybe, I dunno but if she feels like I'm just saying those things, I'm really sorry....does it come out that way"

(Y/n) starts to shift in the seat, a mumble a few things,

"Oh we arrived at her house, I gotta go get her in the house, bye Pidge"

"Bye lance"

I hang up and planed her phone on my seat as I get out,
"(Y/n), (y/n) wake up"

"Huh, L-Lance, where are we".

"We're at your house"

"M-mY house?"
She gets up and walks to her door and unlocks it,

"T-Thank you,"
Before she closes the door I put my foot out

"Wait (y/n) you think I'm a flirt, "

She sigh
"Based on what other people have said about you, Yeah, based on what I've experienced....maybe? I don't know"

"Oh, alright I was just wondering"
"Good night lance, and thank you for bringing me home"
"Of course"
I wave goodbye and walk over to my car and drive away

——————the next morning
You wake up in your bed with your blinds wide open,

"Gosh dang it who opened the blinds"
I get up but notice it's still dark outside,
'It's um...5:00
Alrighty then I'll get ready for school, I go over and get my outfit and look in the mirror and realized what I was wearing

My reflection showed , myself, messy hair, tired eyes and lances shirt
Aw crap I forgot to give it back to him, I gasp
My sweater! It's at his house then, dang it

I get dressed and make myself some breakfast, I sit down at the table and read the note left on the chair

Hi (y/n) Love! Hope you had a great night sleep, I'm so sorry I'm not there to say good morning, my boss only let me get a few hour break, hope you understand, I love you! Have a good day at school
- mom

I sigh, ah shiz it's 5:45 now, I should start walking to school, todays the start of a new semester so now I have zero period Biology, I walk into the class and the teacher tells me my seat is in the back, I lay my head down and close my eyes,

"(Y/nnnnn) heyyyy"
I open my eyes and see lance right I front of my face
"Lance you're in this class?"
"Yeah and so is your friend Pidge, our friend Keith"

"Who said I was your friend...."
I laugh
"Oh and hunk"

"Hi (y/n)!"
"Hi hunk!, that's so cool we are all in the same table"
"I know right!"

"Lance Here"
I take out his folded up shirt and face him, as he's holding my sweater
"Oh you remembered..."

"You remembered as well" he says smiling
We switch the clothing and put them in our backpacks
"What did you two do to where you have his shirt and he had your sweater"

"Nothing nothing, when I was babysitting at his house we played a game that would have gotten my sweatshirt dirty so he gave me one of his shirts"
Pidge looks like she's holding in a laugh
"That's still sounded weird huh"
She bursts out laughing
—————— At Lunch
I walk out of fifth period with Keith, "(y/n) where do you go for lunch ?"
"No where I usually Just sit under the tree and draw"
"Follow me, you'll like where we hang out"

I follow close behind Keith bc the hallways started to get crowded so I pull Keith's jacket sleeve and he stops,
"What you think your going to get lost"

I look around and then back at him
"Really (y/n)"
"Hey I get anxiety in crowded places!"
He rolls his eyes and links our arms and pulls me out of the crowd, we then arrive at a grassy area near the bike racks,

Hunk waves,
We run over to them and sit down,

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