Chapter 36

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I hear the door close, which knocks me out fo my thoughts, I touch my face noticing how I was crying,
"(Y/n) are you okay? What happened why are you crying"
I stare blankly at Lance who is awkwardly sitting a few feet away from me on the couch, tears flow down my cheeks as my face heats up, I trace the permanent scar
I have from my earlobe to the bottom of my jaw with my fingertips....
"I remember now"

"I remember how I got this scar lance, I remember it clearly now"
"What happened"
"I-It was sixth grade, the d-dance...Sage, Sage Linheart...she ruined my dress, and after I threw my shoes at her, she dragged me out side and beat me, I said how she won't get anywhere in life with being rude to people.....and she...she cut me with glass.....I would have been dead if It weren't"

"Me? How?"
"Lance what do you remember from the sixth grade dance"
"I remember you bumping into me, causing me to spill my drink, you apologized, I invited you to hang out....which was a big step for me since I liked you, but my so called friends made fun of you....I thought you left right after that....since someone dragged me away after, but by the time I Came back some girls dress was ripped and ruined, she attacked sage and they went outside, t-that Girl was you wasn't it"

"If you wouldn't have went outside I probably would have been stabbed...I can't believe I haven't connected the dots sooner...but I forgot since she gave me a concussion....I'm sorry I forgot about that"

He moves in closer to me
"I remember visiting you every night, even if you didn't remember me I would tell you I was your friend, then one day you left, I didn't see you for three years, until biology...freshman year"

"I feel horrible that I forgot you"
"But that's sage's Fault....I wonder how she is doing..... we should have a reunion, we re do our sixth grade dance....this time no one gets hurt"
"Not a bad's only been 5 years but most of the kids don't even go to our school anymore"

"I'll plan it later but as of right now we have the rest of the day to ourselves"
He hovers himself over me
"I loved how you looked in the blue dress, it complimented your eyes beautifully"

"Are you trying to seduce me?"
I say smirking, he looks down at me smiling seductively
"Is it working?"
I boop his nose

He laughs and collapses on me
"You are no fun you know that"
I gasp obnoxiously
"What! How dare- You!"

We Stay silent for awhile
"How did I end up with you?"
Lance pushes himself up and looks at me
"How? Well, you chose to, I honestly  thought you would say no, judging that we had arguments after days of just meeting"

"You know the idea you had with the sixth grade dance reunion thing, I want to do it, make sure Everyone comes, I want to show them all the person I became after five more years of bullying, after I met you, I want to make them...feel bad? Does that sound mean— I think it does"

"We should, it's not mean, just think of it as friendly pay back, right?"
I laugh
"Oh! And we should all perform something! Like a little talent show!"
"That's a great idea! We should dance!"

"Why do you think I offered—we will dominate the competition!"
Lance laughs and rolls off of me,
"Can you grab me my phone?"

He gets my phone and walks over to give it to me
3 missed calls, 10 missed texts from the angry Pigeon

'Yikes Pidge im Alright' I laugh to myself

P: (Y/n) where are you and lance, we didn't see you at break! Did you guys stay home to cuddle awwww...or
Was it something....a little more intimate ☝︎( ͡°.ʖ ͡°)☝︎OOOooo

Y: Sweet little Pigeon...
GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER I DIDNT FEEL WELL he got worried and stayed at my house to take care of me— also I had a panic attack, so he's going to be staying with me for awhile ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')

She texts me back almost instantly

P: yoke phone went off in class lucky my teacher is to old to hear it hahahaha, anyways, you are very lucky to have someone like Lance,
P: yikes***

Y:hey! Respect your elders child! Anyways, yeah I are am now don't text me and pay attention in class!
P: pfft whateverrrr you're no fun! Byeeee

I turn off my phone and place it on the table, I take off the blankets and try to get up, lance comes up from behind me and gently pulls me back down to the sofa and rolls me up tightly in the blankets

"You haven't slept in over 24hours you need to try to go to rest, please I'm worried about your health, I've noticed you literally don't have anything in our fridge or cabinets, where did all the food go"
"My mum took it and we cleaned them out after out party"

"(Y/n) that was a long time ago! What have you been eating"
"Just toast that's not healthy, you need something with more nutrition to get you through the day, I'm disappointed"

"You caught me I haven't eaten anything in awhile....what's the big deal"
Lance sits down next to me and holds my hand in his lap
"It's a big deal to me, you need to take care of yourself, I don't want you to get sick or hurt"

"I know, it's just I haven't had enough time to eat in the morning, or make anything for lunch at school, and my dinner usually is water or tea, maybe some pretzels"
I lean my head on his shoulder, he kisses my head

"I'm glad I'm here, so now you get to eat three meals a day, because...being a dancer, you need a balanced meal, and if you don't eat anything you could collapse during a routine, which would make me worry more"
"I promise to eat more, I have became a little more thin"

He smiles and pats my thigh
"It's 2:37 they just got out of school, I will go and buy stuff for dinner"

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now