Chapter 44

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I lay my head down on the table
'God this whole dance gave me a head ache'
Lance walks back over to us and sits down next to me, he lays his head on my shoulder

"Sorry this dance didn't turn out fighting free—And you almost got attacked by sage"
"Are you kidding me! This party was amazing! It turns out that a lot of people remembered me and they like me now! And sage I finally got to show her I'm not scared of her anymore, so I should be Thank you-Lance"

I nod my head
"(Y/n) you need to go home and put some ice on your head"
I sigh and give Keith the 'Ok' sign with my hand and get up

Lance follows closely behind me, we reach his car and get in, i recline the seat back and lance holds my hand
"Are you Alright?"

"My head—It feels like I've been hit my a truck"
"I should get you home quick then"

As lance speeds back to my place nearly running a red light I sit back in the seat looking out at the stars

We reach my house a few minutes later, Lance rushes out of the car over to my side before I can get the seatbelt off and put the chair back lance already opened the door, fixed it, unbuckled my seat belt and picked me up, closing the door with his hip he walks inside placing me on the couch

I take off my shoes and place them off to the side and stand up
"I could have walked in here myself, I'm going upstairs and putting on my Pajamas, Alright?"

"Okay I'll grab you an ice pack and some blankets, I'll be waiting down here"
Lance smiles from the kitchen, I shake my head and walk upstairs

I change back into my pajamas and walk back downstairs and plop down on the couch, Lance tells me to lay down, I do, he sets down the Ice pack on my head

"Don't move, Stay here watch TV, rest and I'll make you something to eat"
I put the blanket on my legs and turn on the Tv
"Ha you don't have to tell me twice"

I kiss his cheek before he can walk away
"Thanks babe I appreciate it"
He smiles at me and walk over to the kitchen

I watch my favorite TV show for awhile then get bored and scroll through Instagram, I come across Sage's Instagram—for some odd reason

I look at her recent pictures, I see pictures from tonight, her having fun, selfies, selfies and more selfies, then huh—a picture of before and after,

Before pretty dress—After dress torn—hey her dress wasn't that torn when she left, that turkey baster (how the heck do you spell that)

I read the caption
'I came to this party to have fun not attacked'
Then she tagged lance, Ren, and Cece in it,
'Not blaming lance at all it's not his fault his girlfriend is a maniac, and that her friends are just as bad'

'That little—ugh, can she just chill for one second, not everyone has to feel bad for her—not everyone needs to like her'

"Lance did you see the post Sage tagged you in"
He laughs
"Yeah, I reported it"
I laugh with him
"I don't think anyone is going to believe her anyways, they all saw what happened"

"I read some of the comments, a ton of people are standing up for you or just telling Sage to be quiet, and how they know what really happened"
I sigh

"Thank god"
Lance puts some stir fry in front of me, with a fork, I grab the bowl and start to eat the delicious food, I thank lance for the cooking and he cuddles up next to me under my blanket,

"Is your head feeling better"
I turn off my phone and set it aside
"If I keep looking at what Sage says I think my headache will get worse—but yeah"
"I'm glad, I don't want you to some how get sick"

"I won't I'm a tough cookie"
"Sure you are"
  I nudge him and lean over on his shoulder
"Let's talk"

"About what?" He asks turning down the volume of the TV
"I don't know—it's just that, Pidge told me that a lot of couples don't just sit and talk about each other and what the love"

"Pidge told you That? You do realize she has never dated anyone"
"Y-Yeah I know that! But still, I just don't want us to stop talking and then have us somehow drift apart and we end up breaking up—like college isn't that far away—what are we going to do then—what are we going to do to make this work—what if one of us goes to a college that's in another state—what if you study abroad?!"

Lance cups my face in his hands and squints his eyes
"Hey—calm down, we won't drift apart—And there is no way I'm studying abroad"

I look away
"That's what Shiro said—he said he wouldn't leave but it was like he just disappeared..."
I mumble

"Is that what this is about?"
"You tell me"
"The only other person I've ever really been close to is Shiro—he promised me he would never leave me, but he did, I don't want that to happen again with you"

"(Y/n) if I go anywhere you're coming with me got it?"
He moves me head to nod
"Good,now please, stop worrying about our future—let's live in our present and see what the future has to offer us later okay?"

I nod my head and lay down on the sofa laying Lance down with me, I turn over to face him
"Te amo (y/n)"
"Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu, Lance"

"Shiro taught you some Japanese?"
"I might have asked him, yes"
Lance laughs and ticked me, causing me to accidentally Knee him in the crotch
He groans and lays his head on my chest I start bursting out laughing

"I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean too!"
"Why'd you kick me though—I thought you loved me~"
He says dramatically into my shoulder
"I do! It's just people who tickle me get hurt, it's not my fault it's yours!"
I say tickling him back

After a full blown tickle war I curl up into a ball with lance around me and we fall asleep

This chapter probably seemed really rushed-but that's only because I'm running out of ideas—like I have many ideas for dancing and stuff but I'm running out of ideas on what the do like outside of school or weird things that's happen inside of school—

So if you guys have any ideas please comment! It will help me greatly
Thank youuu💙💙

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now