Chapter 59

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//A/N: I have a few things to talk about so stay until the end 🖤 and it this chapter is too long for you, the middle/ending is really the only big part //
We all walk down the trail until we have to take that right—Right into the woods. Keith is up front, with Lance and I in the back.
"(Y/n) are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"

I nod frantically
"I absolutely love the supernatural! Uh-Come on...don't tell me you're scared babe?" Lance stutters looking everywhere but at me I playfully nudge him

"It's alright, I believe you're strong enough to take on any evil spirit out there" I smile brightly as Lance puts his arm around me
"You got that right babe" he says flashing that smile of his

"Lance look out behind you!" Keith yells turning around pointing his blade Lance screams and holds onto me. Keith stares laughing hysterically, I put my hands up to my mouth holding in the laughter. Lance lets go of me brushing off his jacket

"Haha very funny Keith, That was a scream of intimidation...and in that fact I was trying to intimidate what ever I was behind me" I let out my laugh putting my hands back up to my mouth giggling. Lance grumbles walking ahead of us

"Lance wait! You don't know what's out there"
"I'll be fine!"

I groan
"Keith go up ahead and make sure Lance doesn't do anything stupid"
"What about you?"
"I'll catch up, go ahead now, plus you two can bond during the moments I'm not here!" I say smiling

Keith groans
"Fine, I'll go—But not for the reason you said. Just clearing that up" he says before walking in Lance's direction. I giggle watching him catch up to Lance. I sigh walking along the tiny dirt trail looking around me

'You know, The forest isn't that scary when it's the day time, it's actually really pretty" I think to myself, I look down and see the patterns on the floor from the sun shining through the leaves up above. Golden Yellow, Hunk would love this. I continue to walk looking down at the floor the up at the sky until I walk straight into Keith. I stumble back, he reaches behind him catching me pulling me over to him and Lance.

"Isn't it pretty? Look at how the sun dances across the Water" I say walking down to the lake the boys catch up walking closely behind me. I kneel down running my finger along the water.

"Hm that's weird, this water it's freezing"
"Really?" Lance asks kneeling besides me placing his hand in the water. He nods motioning for Keith to do it too.

"You're right (y/n) it is cold."
"But wait-How is that weird?"
Lance asks me

"Well Lance, It is Spring. The water should be at least a bit warm by the surface by now. But it's still freezing as if we are in Alaska."
"Oh I know! It's because sirens are warm blooded! They like the cold" I nudge Keith and he falls on his behind looking at me confused

"First of all, I did not in any way push you that hard you wimp, second of all we don't know if this place actually has any 'mythical beings' it could have just been our imagination from hearing that creepy story" Keith gets up brushing himself off

"Hmm you're right, Well we should hold this off and do normal camp activities, I doubt we will ever have to come back here ever again" Lance says helping me up. I nod smiling

"You're right, lets go see what the others are doing" I say grabbing Lances hand as all three of us walk back to our cabin. By the time we get there it's 12:00. We walk into Shiro, Allura and Hunk sitting down talking.

They all look at us
"Hey guys! We have good news! We heard that-"
Allura gets overly excited and jumps up hugging Hunk
"That they are going to be having a fun dance competition! We can practice this and team bonding"

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now