Chapter 37

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Lance leaves for the store, and I take out my phone, I find the contacts of everyone who went to our school in 6th grade,I get in the computers s contact them all through lances email huehuehue

Lance: Hey! Long time not see, I know it's only been five years but I thought it would be nice for everyone to meet up at our old elementary school cafeteria so we can remake our 6th grade dance! Wear something that resembles the dress/suit you wore, maybe it's the same color,same print, Same one, we will also be doing a mini talent show, so bring your A game and show us what you do best— you know just so we can see if we changed or make new friends, let's be nice as well! it's on Monday (the holiday) at 3:00pm but the talent portion of the dance will start at 11:30 //we want to see if you all became the successful people you said you would a few years later...see you there!
(It will be better than the 6th grade dance I promise!)

Everyone texted back saying they will definitely be there and "can't wait to see you Lance!" A lot of the girl replied with how they have really missed him...they want to see how handsome he became...I mean yeah he has became even more handsome since last week! Imagine what their reactions will be.....I noticed most of these people don't go to our school, Lance and I are really the only ones that stayed at the same school, Wow, we really were meant to be huh

I text lance
Y: aNswer pLz iM RunNing ouT Of nameS
L: There is one more name you could have said
Y: Sharpshooter?
L: not exactly what I had in mind but, good enough, ('ω') Ig, wha did you need?? (There was supposed to be a Lenny face in there somewhere)
Y: the 6th grade danceit's happening this Sunday, do you think Keith would be able to DJ for us? And Hunk can make some food? But some refreshments? Shiro and Matt can be the chaperones outside, we just need decorations!

L: they all replied?
Y:yup! I used your email and that's why! ^^
L: of course, what was the theme for the 6th grade dance?
Y: Hollywood, so we need a paparazzi cardboard cutout, a red carpet, silky red fabric that we can drape across the ceiling, Golden lanterns that will hang from the ceiling, the big lights, lights to go on each ends of the red carpet, and then at the end whoever has the best performance will win their own "Grammy award!"
L:wow you really thought this out
Y: yup!

L: then I guess I'll go find the decorations, be home a bit late
Y: alright stay safe! Love you
L: love you too

Damn...we are married,
I laugh out loud, then I run upstairs and dig through my closet for a dress that looked like my old one, I find my old dress, the torn one, but don't realize it when I take it out

I hold it up to myself in the mirror,
"Oh my god...this is—terrible"
I start shaking and quickly shove it back in the closet with memories flooding back in

I decide that I'll have to go dress shopping, but have to bring lance since I'm terrible at picking dresses, I walk downstairs and lay on the sofa falling asleep

I wake up at 6:00pm, lace still isn't back—what's keeping him
I sit up calling Keith

K:Hey (y/n) what's up
Y: you can still DJ right?
K: I guess so why?
Y: would you like to DJ for a remake of a  sixth grade dance?
K: your dance?
Y: Yup!
K: then alright, just Text me when and where it is, and I'll bring my equipment that day
Y: thank you Keith it means a lot also if you can ask hunk if he can make food for a "Hollywood themed dance" and if Shiro and Matt would like to chaperone thanks bye!
K: Alright bye,

Lance walks in and placed bags and bags of stuff on the table, he walks over to me quickly and embraces me
"I'm so sorry it took so long, I had to stop buy a friends house on the way back"

"A friend? Who?"
"Just someone from my class no biggie"
He smiles and rubs the back of his neck
(OOOOO HE CHEATIN jkjkjk jkjk 😂)
'He's up to something'

"I'll start dinner right away! Want to help?"
"Of course, I got plenty of rest so I'm ready!"
I roll up my sleeves and walk over to him in the kitchen

I set up the table as he sets the food down on plates and bring them over,
"Steak? Oh my it looks so good! What's the special occasion?"
"Can't I just make steak for my girlfriend?"

'I know we have been dating for awhile but whenever he mentions me as his "girlfriend" it makes me melt into a puddle'
I blush
"O-of course, it just seems all to perfect"

He smiles and starts eating
I stare at the plate in front of me
'I never had steak before, I've always wanted to try it, I just never did—is there a certain way to cut it? Eat it? Is it like eating lobster where you have to do everything a certain way? Aaaaah'

"Are you going to eat?"
"Huh? Of yeah of course"
I pick up the knife, then I quickly put it down
"Are you thirsty? I are am, here give me your cup I can go get us some drinks"

I stand up quickly, he hands me his cup and I walk into the kitchen, hearing him laugh a bit, he probably noticed me stalling—I grab tea for myself as notice his cup is already full

God I'm an idiot how did I not notice! And then why did he give me his cup! That butt—he just wanted me to be flustered, I slowly walk back in and hand him his cup
He smiles and sets it down

My steak is all cut up into little squares, forming a heart
'What the—How?'

"You meet had steak before?"
I shake my head, picking up my fork
He laughs
"I could tell, DoNt worry there isn't really a certain way to eat it...unlike lobsters— people cut up steak, use their fingers, use silverware, or just grill it and make is a burger, it's really good, try it"

I take on of the chunks and pop it into my mouth, my eyes light up
"This is...this is really good"
I basically scarf the rest down, he gives me the rest of his
"Mine was way to big for me to finish, have the rest"

He stands up with his plate and walks over to the sink
"Thank you Babe!"

He stops the water and walks over to me to hug me, he hugs me tightly
"I've never really heard you call me anything other than Lance to my face, it makes me happy"

He smiles
"Fine then I'll cal you butt from now on—both start with a B"
"Nooo, please call me babe, you're so mean"
He pouts

"Nah—all call you bitch then"
He smirks
"I'm you're bitch"
I blush hiding me face with my hands
"Never mind! I'll stick with Lance"

He laughs
"Honestly, let me tell you"
He sits down next to me
"I was pretty jealous when you called Kai babe and honey, also sweety"

"Where we dating at the time?"
He nods
"I was just mad, mostly at him n-not you don't worry! But only because, even if it was fake you still called him pet names, when I couldn't get you to call me a simple 'sweetie'o or anything"

"Aw lance, I'm sorry, I don't know why it just made me uncomfortable to use those words, but I'm comfortable now aren't I, I just called you babe awhile ago"
His face lights up when I say that

"You look like a little baby"
I say pinching his cheeks
"Ah Dont say that"
'I just found one of his weakness, haha, I must try this—pay back for all the times he's teased me'

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum