Chapter 2

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"Alright everyone, Keith is going to work on our routine with you while I work with (y/n) here on her own routine"

Lance explains the rest to the crew and asks me to follow him, I do as told and he takes me into a side room, it's big, with polished wooden floor, a huge window and speakers,

"Woah, how come I can see them but...can they see us"
"No they can not, it's perfect, if we decide to take a break we can watch them practice
So you can get an idea on what happens during practice,

He sits on the floor and motions for me to sit down in front of him,
'Oh god the floor is freezing. It's also freezing in here..'

"So let's decide what dance we are going to do for your performance, you do have to perform for your grade unit by the end of this month right"
I nod,
"I thought you said you had stage fright"

" was either this or PE and I don't like running so..."
"Alright same, running sucks"
We laugh,

"Oh and also (y/n) seeing you dance the work remix, the footwork was perfect, your expressions matched your dance moves exactly, I can see potential in you, you are a very kind and beautiful person, I can see you going far in the dance career"

"And what does being kind and beautiful have to do with dance"
"Well, I don't know I thought it was just something you needed to know" he rubs the back of his neck
I giggle

"I'm flattered to be called beautiful by such a handsome guy like you"
He blushes and seemed to be taken back by my

"I um. I just, I guess, what I was um trying to ask was that, um...."
"Our dance crew is having a competition with another school's crew in two 1/2 months, would you like to do a partner dance with me?"

"Huh, why me...why not Allura she's been here wayyyyyyy longer, I'm just someone who picked this over PE."

"Well, Allura, in partner dances, she's not that...good..? But"
"Is she the kind that steps on your foot and accidentally hits you in the face without realizing it"

He laughs
"Actually yes,"
"Then yes I will join you"

"That's perfect! Bc i have to choreograph your dance, so now we can practice!"
I clap my hands
I smile
"Thank you Lance"
He claps and gets up
"So let's learn the dance"

He helps me up
"What dance will we be doing"
"Baby boy by Beyoncé, I picked this song bc Beyonce's music speaks to me, it can be moving, and powerful with a good beat at the same time, she also has a very strong attitude and I need another person with a powerful attitude to dance it with me" he winks at me and I just smirk and roll my eyes

I watch him dance the routine, him telling me where I would be if it involves us doing something together, Lance is an amazing teacher, I can see why Shiro is putting him in charge,

"Wanna try it?"
I nod and walk over to him
"Follow my lead"
He stands in front of me

"For the beginning or the intro just move your hips, and walks back and forth or in a. Half circle,"
I follow him on that
"Then when she starts singing, your going to move your arms outwards in breaststroke motion, like in swimming, as your doing that move your head down. And back up, put your feet at an angle and then bring both of your hand together up , then down quickly, so it will look like this"

He shows me the first few moves we just discussed,
"After, you bring Your hands down to your lower stomach making an almost circle with them, and move your hips quickly side to side, than placing your right foot down, move you left hand in a motion like this, while looking the same way,

We practice farther for about another 4 hours , taking four breaks in between,
"You did very good! I only had to help you on a few things"

We hear a knock on the door, Allura walks in
"I hope you two had an amazing day, Lance I just wanted to tell you that the competition has come shorter it's in 1 month, bye! Btw everyone else left you have to close up the studio"

"Alright Allura thanks for telling me"
I look at my phone
'Oh gosh it's 10:30 at night, my mom called me four times'

"Hey (y/n) I know it's pretty late but, I was wondering want to grab some late night tea? I know a really good place a couple of blocks from here, I know a good friend who works there who would've keep it closed but open for just us..!"

I look at Lance he looks happy, and like he actually wants to hang out with me
"Of course let me call my mom so she won't worry"
"Of course I understand"
He smiles

"(Y/n) where are you?"
"I'm at the studio still, a friend here asked me if I wanted to go to a tea place with them, can I?"
"I don't know we kind of need you home...."
I look at Lance who is leaning against the wall looking at his phone
"It's with a boy"
"A boy? You're going on a date?! (Y/n)'s
Going on a date with a guy!"
I sigh
"Okay mom it's not a date but I got to go now bye! Love you"

I put my phone away and turn around to be greeted by Lance
He looks at me and smiles
He puts one hand against the wall next to my head
"I mean, it could be a date if you want it to"
I blush and walk underneath his arm
"O-okay, well let's go"

Published October 16, 2017 4:15 Am

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz