Chapter 48

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Lance and I meet up with the rest in front of the gym, Allura greets us with a smile and tells us that Shiro will arrive soon with one of those vans that is large enough to stand in (not an RV they're made for small group trips)

Lance sits on a bench and talks to Hunk and Keith, while Allura and I Talk about what we want to do for summer Vacation

"So what are You and Lance going to do over summer break— You two should spend some time having fun with each other— you know without distractions such as...Kai and All Of us, and so you two can build some more trust in each other— since I heard Lance basically becomes Keith When he sees you with other guys"

I laugh nervously
"That is true—but I think Lance and I are completely fine...You know we have—Spent time with each other...Alone—Like That time he was drunk"
I trail off

"What was that last part?"
"N-Nothing! I'll think about it"
I smile at Allura sweetly, Allura is a tad bit older than us—I feel like she's a witch sometimes....she can see into my head

"Alright then—"

A van pulls up next to us, Shiro rolls down the window and waves, we all pile in the car—Keith, Lance, and I in the back, hunk in the middle with bags , and Shiro and Allura in the front

'Poor lance—I get motion sickness easily so he let me sit by the window— but that makes him sit in the middle, and you know since both him and Keith are tall....that doesn't leave a ton of leg space for either of them..'

I look at lance who is pouting crossing his arms while keith uncomfortably puts his legs together and lean them over a bit
'Haha sucks for them—me being a Decent sized teenage girl I got all the room I want—Suckers'

Lance slumps back in his seat and leans his head back a bit, I feel bad, he's going to be so cramped. I lean over and kiss his Jaw, I mean it's the only thing I can reach right now, Lance brings his head down and looks at me smiling, he leans down and gives me little Eskimo kisses

I giggle
"Do I have to be stuck here with them?"
Keith leans over to look at Shiro through the front mirror
Shiro ignores him—Knowing there might be a lot of complaining he turns up the volume of the radio

~~~~~~~~A few hours later~~~~~~
"Truth or dare"
"I dare you—to wake up Keith by smacking him"
I snicker as I lean over lance, I quietly raise my hand and smack Keith's face.

Keith Wakes up in an instant smacking lance in the face before turning over and falling asleep again, I start laughing my ass off

"You know that was going to happen..."
"Aw—Yes I did, your mistake"
"I blame you—he slapped me hard, now my face hurts, you butt"
I gasp dramatically

"Aw come here, turn around let me heal you"
I pull lance over to me laying him down on my lap, I kiss his cheek a few times then I push him back up

"Shiro Can I Please move to the middle with hunk—The couple is being annoying! Shiro please—."
Shiro ignored him while laughing

Lance pulls my face towards him kissing me roughly leaning back into Keith, purposely trying to make Keith more uncomfortable
Lance stops kissing me, still cupping my face he turns to Keith

"Oh I'm sorry are you upset because you're 17 and still single"
Lance smirks and turns back to me kissing me again
(They're the same age for the sake of the book but Keith is a few months older)

Allura laughs loudly in the front with Shiro, pretty soon hunk joined in on the laughter.
"You too aren't cute—you're annoying"
Keith says crossing his arms

"I don't know—I think they're pretty cute together, they're probably the cutest couple I've ever seen—Don't you agree Allura?"
Hunk asks
Allura nods her head

"That's two against one Keith—you loose"
"Actually!....I agree with Keith"
"(Y/n)....I thought you loved meee"
Lance Pouts holding my hands

"Keith is correct but he forgot something—We Aren't Cute...we are Annoying——Annoyingly Cute!"
Lance smiles widely kissing my nose and hugging me, hunk claps while Keith sticks out his Tongue pretending to gag

"Gross—get a room you two"
"Maybe we will—"
I slap Lance arm and laugh

"You two aren't getting your own room on my watch"
Shiro tells from the front
"I think the best idea is to share a room....with Keith—you'll stop them from doin anything right Buddy"

Keith screams into his hands, in defeat he takes off his jacket, turns around and puts his jacket over his head
"If any of you bother me—I'll stab you in the dick"

I giggle at that comment, because I am a girl therefore....I don't have that
I lean over and poke Keith's back multiple times
"Are you awake, are you awake, are you awake"

Keith turns around glaring at me
"I just realized what I don't have I wouldn't be able to do anything but—I wouldn't hurt you—so therefore you are the only person who would be able to annoy me....but if you do, I'll throw lance out of this fucking car"
With that Keith turns around one more taking his blade out of his pocket holding it tightly

"Lance...we should stop annoying Keith—"

Lance leans over on my shoulder
"You haven't talked in okay babe—you look pale"
Lance Feels my forehead
"Aw you're hot, do you want to rest?"

"Yeah—I feel sick...Like I have this headache and stomach cramps"
Lance awkwardly looks at me
"Are you....Are you on Your Uh—"
Lance whispers

My face heats up
"N-no no im not, I get very carsick—Very's not what you're thinking of"
Lance sighs
"That's good, or else I wouldn't have known what to do"
He laughs to himself

"Shiro, (y/n) is feeling sick, is it possible if you could pull over so Keith can sit in the middle, just so (y/n) can lay down comfortably?"
Shiro nods pulling over to the side of the road, Keith gets out and sits in the middle with hunk, lance and I switch places,

He leans up against the window, I lay in between his legs and lay my head on his thigh closing my eyes, I fall asleep as lance strokes my hair

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang