Chapter 49

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The next thing I knew I woke up with no one else in the van, I sit up and notice we are at a gas station, Lance opens the car door,

He notices I'm awake and he gives me a pack of donuts
"Sorry we left, we thought you would stay asleep"
He sits in the back with me

"Why did we stop?"
"Allura and hunk had to use the restroom and Allura basically took over the wheel—She pulled the car over into a gas station and they ran out"

"Somehow she pulled us over safety—It seemed unreal"
Lance shudders and takes a bite of a donut
"Anyways you feeling better?"

I nod as he leans his head on min
"I am feeling better—Since I've been sleeping"
"That's great"
"Lance—We should talk about—Daniel, and basically other guys in general"

"Why—What happened?"
"Allura brought up a good point— she mentioned how when you see me with other guys— you basically turn into Keith, why is that"

Lance rubs the back of his neck and lowers his head
"I know and I'm sorry for that— but it's just— like you have known I've had a reputation for dating a lot of girls— Most of them...I didn't break up with them— they broke up with me— to go with another guy and I was so heart broken I resorted to flirting, which has lead to girlfriends, I guess I don't want to lose you too so I'm overprotective with things like that....I dunno"

"The first time you saw me walk into the dance studio— Did You flirt with me because you just got out of a relationship? I wasn't just a rebound that turned into something longer was I?"

Lance shakes his head and Crosses his arms
"Of course not—I actually haven't had a girlfriend in a year until I met you"
He kisses my forehead

"Hmm...let me ask you another thing"
Lance chuckles and raising an eyebrow smirking
"What did you think of when You walked through the door and saw me in the studio that first day?"

Lance thinks for a bit then remembers
"It's actually quite funny because before I walked in and saw you—the few weeks before that..I was told I wouldn't stop talking about this girl that I thought was cute and funny and smart— a girl who was in my biology class, freshman year, I wouldn't stop talking about how kind she was to other people, how I felt bad she did all the work at her table for group projects and stuff, I wanted to move to her table right, but I was too nervous, I thought I wasn't smart enough for her"

"But if she was in your class freshman year then why were you talking about her now when we are juniors?"
"Because I have biology with her again—anyways, I wouldn't stop talking about her, Keith yelled at me and told me to man up and talk to her, but I couldn't—And sure enough she was you,"
Lance pokes my nose, my smile widens
"— and so when you walked through those doors I thought it was like some prayer being answered, I was star struck...I don't know if you noticed but when I walked in...and after I talked to Shiro and stuff I couldn't stop staring at you, Shiro had to push me to get me to say hi— and when we were dancing in that side room when we danced together I admired you, when I was watching you dance I couldn't stop smiling"
He awkwardly laughs

I admire him for a second, then reality hits
'This is my boyfriend'
"Holy fuck—Lance you're my boyfriend"
"I am, I've been your boyfriend for months now....we are basically living together now"
"No I know! But you know how sometimes you don't really realize what you have until reality hits you and you're like 'oh my god this thing is mine' and you end up being really proud?"

He nods
"That's What happened— you're my boyfriend, I'm your girlfriend—I'm lucky, you say you're lucky, like look at you!"
I cup his face and bring his face closer to mine, I narrow my eyes at him and look into his blue eyes

"Why would those other girls leave YOU for another guy, they must be insane—God like you're extremely handsome, you're kind, you're sweet, you have an amazing sense of humor, you're very loving, you can be very annoying or — times, but if you need to you will be a personal supporter, and all of this is mine"
I gesture to all of him, he laughs and blushes, I hug him tightly

"I'm glad they took long in the bathroom"
"Hey so I've been thinking—Allura also brought up since you are over protective— she said we should go on vacation together, for summer vacation we should go somewhere fun— maybe a cruise, or a hotel and go sightseeing— or maybe fly to another country"

"I love that idea! But we don't have enough money"
"I'll think of a way"

Everyone gets back into the car, Keith reaches over the seat and messes up my hair
"Hey you're awake, feeling better"

I nod smiling, Keith smiles at me and turns around. Shiro starts the car and we are on our way

"So guys, as you know spring break is coming up, and then you have 1 month of school and then BLaM summer vacation"

Lance whispers to me I shrug
"It's something he's been saying since I was little...god I can remember him to playing with me with water guns shouting that"
Lance laughs

"So we left a few days early for spring break, we have been invited to be in a national dance competition"
Everyone in the car cheers, lance hugs me cheering

"So we are going to a Professional dance studio, where the choreographer for Beyoncé will be working with you on dances to prepare us, so then over summer we can plan out own routines"

"But will we get to MEET Beyoncé"
"Probably not lance"

"Dang, I'll leave him my number to give to her"
Lance smirks

Keith and hunk turn around
"(Y/n) you're going to take that? You're Just gonna let your man leave his number for another girl?"

I look at lance, he looks at me, nervously smiling,
'Chill lance I know it's a's probably not a joke'

"Guys—Guys, it's Beyoncé, I'm nothing compared to her, I wouldn't stop him, shit I would probably leave my number too"
Lance gasps and bring
My face up to his cheek

"Don't say that! You are better than Her! She's a queen—but are an empress"
I smile and kiss his cheek

Shiro explains to us what's going to happen, where we are going to be staying and then what we are doing after
"If you guys haven't noticed—there is an extra trunk, someone in the car—not going to say who—me— had the most wonderful idea, they said we should go camping to bond as a team, a family, as friends"

Keith groans
"Oh! Love camping— are we going to have our own tents?"
"Can I share mine with (y/n)?"

"There will be two tents so three people in one—three people in the other, I have five mattresses but there are six of us— so someone's going to have to share a mattress....but we all know who thats going to be, Lance, (y/n)?"

"Sure we'll share a mattress"
"And a sleeping bag, we only have five"
I nervously nod
'Shiro—how did you come unprepared??'

"Okay that's fine too"


Awhile later we reach the hotel room at 4:00 Shrio checks is in, he booked the two connected room things, since he was being oh so kind, he allowed Lance and Me to share that room, in one room it's 1 king sized bed, a bathroom with a shower and a bath, and a balcony....the other room is like you're generic hotel room but it's so pretty, their balcony connects to ours—somehow...someway keith is going to find his way into our room

We all go down stairs and eat dinner, after eating we head back up to the room, everyone decided to go swimming so they put on their bathing suits, but I decided to sleep in the kings sized bed all by myself while lance goes downstairs to the pool with everyone else

I change into my Tank top and lil shorts and crawl into the bed, the blankets are very nice, I take all the pillows (some from Keith's and shiro's bed) and surround myself in the cold pillows and quickly fall asleep

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