Chapter 38

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'I must try this out'
I look at him still pinching his cheeks
"Do you know how cute you are? Like seriously, I can't believe you picked me, someone as handsome as you truly could have scored a model"

"But you are a model"
He says winking I pinch his cheeks harder while my face turns red
"That's—thats very kind of you to say Babe"
I can feel his face heating up, I laugh mentally and decide to continue

"Honey you're face is turning red and heating up? Are you okay? Are you getting a fever? Do you need to lay down and rest? Want me to take care of you"
I feel his forehead with the back of my hand, he smiles like an idiot...his forehead is actually hot, oops
(Yeah lmao whoops 😂)

"Hey you look dizzy, want to go into my roll it's cooler  in there babe"
He Stares at me continuing to smile,
I stand up and help him up
"Let's go!"
I kiss his check and drag him upstairs,

'I guess the tables have turned",
I fling myself onto the bed and curl up into a ball, I reach out towards his grabbing onto his shirt, tugging on it

"Come on babeeee it's cold"
His face turns as red as he slowly lays down and curls up against me
"Hey Hot-Stuff"
He hides his face in my neck as I laugh
"Not so tough now eh"

I hug him moving him to where I can put my chin on top of his head, I hug him burying his face into my chest, (collarbone area) I can feel his face heating up more. He pushes away from me

"Alright—What are you trying to do"
"Nothing—Mi Amour, why?"
I look at him with the most innocent face I could pull off
He stares at me blushing,
He hugs me and nuzzles my neck
"Never change Bizcocho, I love you just the way you are"

I deep tint of red brushes my cheeks,
"What does Bizcocho mean?"
"It's a—Spanish desert"
He smirks

I hit his back multiple times
"Lance! I never called you anything after a desertt!"
I whine into his shoulder
"You could've...but cha didn't"

I think for a second
"Fine then I'll call you......"
I switch places with him and move closer to his face
"That's no fair—I can't think of anything"
He looks at me smirking, his eyes Glued onto me

"I-I guess we are done joking with the names now"
" I wasn't joking around, I was being serious when I called you Bizcocho"
"I- I Uh, Im— at a loss for words lance"

He clears his throat
"(Y/n),Why Don't you call me any names—but then jokingly do after I mention it"
He looks away madly blushing
"F-for a second I wasn't joking—"
I mumble quietly

He quickly looks back at me,
"Y-you weren't ?"
I nod
"I wouldn't want to play with your feelings...i know what it's hurts"
(Edit: Before I continue, even though it embarrasses me to put all of that in the book, I will—only bc I think it will bring you and Lance closer—but keep in mind I was writing this at 2:00am so I was basically drunk off of no sleep lmaooo)

He kisses me and continues to plant butterfly kisses on my face
"You are such a sweet soul"
I giggle and Push his face away

I yawn and rub my eyes
"Can we like go to sleep now?"
"Go change into your PJs then"

"Go to the corner and don't move until I say so, understood?"
He nods frantically and walks over to the corner bending forward leaning his head on the wall, I shake my head I giggle
I change and run back onto the bed,

I stretch out my arms and legs the curl up into a ball facing lance
"Don't you need to get into your PJs"

He shrugs
"I'm already wearing sweats, I'll be fine"
"Alright then"
(The whole "person upset bc the other doesn't call then cute names" is literally something that happened with my friends😂)

"The dance is in two days—tomorrow we will go to the school and start setting things up"
Lance yawns and falls asleep after nodding and smiling at me

I wake up first—getting up, crawling over lance, I grab a outfit  and walk to the downstairs Bathroom,

I spin admiring my new outfit in the mirror, it was nothing much, just a tan flowing crop top with red velvet high waisted ripped jeans, I pull my hair back and pull two trends of hair in front of my hair,

I walk out and start making breakfast, I make an omelette
When I finish making them I place two on different plates and make it look all pretty,

I clean the pan and grab a wooden spoon walking up to my room,
"Lance wake up—we got to go set up"
I saw sweetly giving him a chance to wake up

"What time is it?"
He groans
"5:00am, now come on"
He rolls over and pulls the sheet over his head
"5 more minutes"

I sigh and hit the Pan with the wooden spoon over and over again, he wakes right up and grabs the spoon from me

"I'm up—I'm up"
I take his hand and lead him downstairs, we finish eating, he gets dressed and we head over to our old school,
We park in what use to be the Parking lot....

"Do they not clean up here?"
We get out and look at what's infront of us,
"Holy Fr-Frijoles"

"What happened?"
Our old elementary's all...old and Run down...
"(Y/n) I think the school that got shut down when we were in 7th grade was this one"

"Are you serious— they give us the approval to use the cafeteria when it's not even there?"
I mentally have a cuss storm in my head

"Relax, the cafeteria is right there, it looks fine, let's just go clean and set it up"
I take a deep breath and carry all our stuff in I set it all down
"Let's get to work!"

*insert Cleaning anime sequence here* jkjk X3

By the end of the day Lance and I finished cleaning up the place, it looks just as new, we leave the decor there and I take pictures of the place,

Lance walks over to a wall and laughs
"Hey babe! The dent is still here from when someone threw a chair at us"
"Lance that's not funny"
Yet I can't help but to laugh

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