Chapter 41

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I walk back over to everyone, hunk is rolling in a few of his Pastries, as Shiro helps him place them down on the table. Keith is testing out some of his equipment and lance, Allura and Pidge and dancing around the room by just jumping,

I walk over behind lance and put my hand up he spins right into my hand
"Oh, sorry babe I didn't see you there"
He chuckles nervously

I shrug
"It's okay I stood there on purpose— come on- dance with me!"

I pull lance over to the middle of the room
"You have to lead I'm not good at uh...Ballroom/Slow dancing kind of dancing...haha"

Lance nod and leads us in the dancing, Keith plays some music and the others join us, Pidge is standing on Hunk's Feet like a little child, and Shiro grabs Allura and spins her around
We hear pounding at the door Allura stops and opens the door to see who it is

Two guys wearing suits run in and hide behind Lance and I
"What are you two doing here so early"
"Lance—you know them?"

"Yeah they're some of my old friends"
I smile
"I wasn't aware, but yeah what are you two doing here"

"We took this kids phone and ran"
They start laughing and high fiving each other

We hear a thud at the door like someone or something just got thrown a it I rush over to the door and open it, a guy about our age sits on the the floor rubbing his head
(A/N~ before I continue this I just want to say sorry I'm not using anyone else's name from Voltron like I'm JUST NOW realizing Kai could have been lotor ;-; but I just like thinking of new characters and their personas ^^)

I go over to him and help him up
"Hey are you okay?"
He chuckles
"Yeah—Just ran into a door no big deal right"
We share a laugh

"So What brings you here? Did you go to this school when you were younger? Are you coming to the dance in a few hours?"
He looks to his right then back at me,

"I did—just for the last three years though—I uh, wasn't invited"
"You weren't? I uh—I'm sorry I must have over looked something, well you're welcome to come!"
He smiles at me
"I'll be there then—but did you see two guys run past here I was taking a walk and they kind of Took my phone out of my pocket and ran—so I chased them here"

"In fact—I did come with me please"
I take his hand and drag him in the building, I take him to the back where lance is still talking to the guys

"Hey you two!"
They look at me and laugh
"Can I have the phone—please"
"Why? We took from him fair and square—he can't get it back himself he has to hide behind a girl"

While the two are laughing the one with the phone, I step on his foot casing him to let go of it before it drops I catch it and give it to Lance I grab the two guys by the ear and walk them out

"He was not hiding behind a girl—it's not nice to take someone's phone and run you immature Twats"
I shove them out the door and walk back over to lance, I take the phone and walk over to the other guy and give it back

"Thanks—my name is Ren by the way"
He smiles,
"Of course, my name is (y/n), this is Lance, those people over there are hunk, Pidge, Keith, Allura, and my cousin Shiro"

He turns around and waves at them the turns back to me
"So there's a dance today?"
I nod
"Yes! In about 45 minutes"

"I was about to say—when you open the door I thought I hit my head a little to hard you look like an absolute angel"
He laughs

"Aw thanks"
I slightly nudge him and laugh
"I guess I'll go home and get ready"
I nod
"See you later"
He waves and awkwardly walks out the door, I squeal and giggle while accidentally backing up into lance

"Oh! Lance I'm sorry I didn't—"
"I don't trust him"
"Lance! You just met him!"
"I know—but...he has a mullet like Keith! You can't trust that (Y/n)!"

I gasp sarcastically
"You are—so right! I totally cant trust him now, wow thanks for telling me lance"
He pouts
"Alright I see your sarcasm"

I laugh,
"Okay now what are we supposed to do for then next 45 minutes?"
Pidge shouts from the stage

"I do not know, I guess we can all do our own thing"
Pidge asks Allura if she can braid her hair, she gladly accepts

"Aw I don't have a friend where I can play with their hair"
I look around the room and smile at Keith, he looks at me and shakes his head

"Nooo- way Jose"
"Come on pleasee~I'll let you uhh—I'll buy you anything you want, I just want to braid something"
He groans and walks over to me

"Fine, have fun"
He sits down in front of me
I giggle while running my fingers through his hair

Lance sits next to me scrolling through his phone while Shiro and Allura try not to eat any of hunks pastries

It is now time to party, I hope this doesn't get to much out of hand—-

We hear a few knocks on the door and Lance goes over to answer it
"Welcome back!—oh it's you"
He closes the door
"Lance! Who was it?"
"Your new boyfriend"

I walk over to Lance and smack him
"He's not my boyfriend—you are you twat"
I kiss Lance's cheek and open the door

"Welcome back Ren! Sorry about Lance he's being a little butt today"
Ren walks in
"It's alright—I See I'm a bit early"
"Two minutes early to be exact to leave"

I glare at Lance and nervously laugh
"People will be here in no time, in the mean time would you like to be the first to try some of hunks pastries?"

"Would I"
We walk over and both take something from the table, we take a bite of the sugary food
"Hunk you made this?"

Hunk nods proudly
"It's amazing! I've never met someone who can bake like this—I might just have to stay here the whole time"
Ren and Hunk laugh and continue talking

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