23. Maybe (pt 2)

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Alright guys! I can't believe I'm already this far with the book. I guess time flies when you publish three chapters a day though. Please don't forget to vote and comment! It helps me with content and get a better understanding of everyone's opinions. Also, there is a discord server dedicated for this book. Be sure to check it out! Link in my bio.

*Pictured above: Jason*

Also, the more votes means the more potential for additional chapters, and potentially a second book. Just putting that out there! (Btw, this chapter is on the shorter side) otherwise, enjoy the halfway point!

*Flynn's POV*

After arriving to the school from the airport, I completely ignore Larson. After we kissed on the trip, things seemed good. Or so I thought. I kissed him for the second time in the hotel room, but he looked at me with regret all over his face.

I don't know if it's because he didn't want to be with me or if he just wanted to take a step back because of everything that's happening with Emma. I understand, if that's the case. But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

Actually, when we kissed, It wasn't planned.

I didn't just decide when I woke up that morning "Hey, you know what? I'm gonna kiss Larson today"

It wasn't planned, it just happened. I didn't know that I had these feelings for him. I'm glad I'm finally figuring things out though. Well, at least I'd like to think I am. But now that he's pushed me away what am I supposed to do? It's not like I can force myself on him if he doesn't want me.

After getting home, along with much contemplation, my mother welcome's me with open arms. "Hun! Come in! I've missed you so much, now how's Jason doin'? When will that dear be back here again?" She questions me.

I give her a look of "Please stop" But of course, she doesn't. "Come on hun, me and your father have missed him recently" She says to me with a sad tone. "Mom, I don't think I'm going to see Jason in a while" I respond. She gives me the look, and rolls her eyes.

After I eat, I head to my room for a very much needed sleep. I lay down in my bed, letting the soft sheets cover my body. After a while of more thinking, I drift off to sleep. The next day, I wake up late. I throw on some clothes, grab my bag, quickly brushing my hair and teeth before heading out.

School that day was boring, and nothing excited happened. That's normal though. After class, I head to my car. I sit inside the drivers seat, looking out at the school.

Do I want to go home?

I sit there with my hand on my head. Nope. I don't want to go home. I start my car and drive away.

After driving for a fe minutes, I reach an ocean. I park my car on the street and realize I receive a notification on my phone. It's from my mother. "Hey, just a heads up someone was here looking for you earlier. I'm didn't recognize them though." she said.

I walk out of the car and head towards the long dock. After admiring the scenery, I head towards the bench that me and Larson would normally sit at. I see a figure in the distance, walking closer. I look closer and notice Larson sitting on the bench looking deep in thought and depression.

I walk towards him and sit down next to him on the bench. He looks at me with sympathetic eyes and before I know it, my lips are pressed against his. I move him closer to me and this time, he doesn't resist. our kiss becomes more intense.

I brush my hands up his waist and he cracks a slight smile and laughs. I look at him in his eyes and whisper "Oh, you're tickle-ish?" He looks at me with panic and stands up off the bench. I stand up, facing him. "Flynn, don't you dare-" He says before I tackle him, and we both fall into the ocean. He laughs while treading the water, and I swim closer to him, kissing him once more.

He tries to tell me that we should be talking about everything and getting things sorted out, but my ears were completely turned off at that moment. All I want to do is cherish the moment, with the most adorable boy ever.

After some time, we swim over to the ladder on the dock.
I lean forwards and kiss him again. he kisses me back. "Flynn.. I love-" He gets cut off as he hears footsteps in the distance. I look over my shoulder, and see someone standing there. I look back at Jason who is completely, utterly shocked. It's hard to make out a figure in the distance. Jason seemed to have noticed before me.

My eyes widen and I think of the message my mother sent me earlier. Someone had stopped by the house earlier, and she didn't know who. It all makes sense now. I look closer at the approaching figure in awe.


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