25. Angels and Devils

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Hey everyone! Thanks for making it this far. Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and share! Votes help boost the chance for additional chapters, and potentially a second book. Thanks!

*Jason's POV*

After my encounter with Hannah last night, I'm feeling way more accepting. At first I was completely nervous and uncomfortable. But you can't blame me, I mean she showed up out of nowhere.

like, why is she here now of all times? So many thoughts had me confused. I'm probably overthinking things. Hannah's a good person why do I have to overthink everything? I'm the one that broke her heart after all.

Plus, now she's back and she sees me kissing Flynn right away? I wouldn't blame here if she was hesitant around me. Flynn seems perfectly fine with everything, though. Since he's happy, I'm happy. They were the closest friends ever until everything went to shit, so I'm glad they can have a friendship again.

As for me? I don't really have anything against Hannah, I'm just going to need some time to adjust I guess. Plus, we were really close at a time. I so have to say, I'm surprised. She looks nothing like she did in middle school, that's for sure.

The next morning, I wake up and get dressed. I then proceed towards Emma's room, who is still sleeping.

What a dork.

"Emma" I shake her. "Come on we have to get up for school" I say to her. she looks at me like I'm another creature from a different planet. She's really been out of it lately.

I finally manage to get her up, and we head to school.

Before first period, I look around for Flynn. I don't see him. But I do see Hannah. it looks like Flynn had already introduced her to Ericka, Troy, mark and Emily. I was going to walk over to them to ask if they had seen Flynn, but I catch sight of Emma once more. She looks exhausted.

The bell rings and she starts heading to first period. My first period happened to be the room next door to Emma, so I started heading up the stairs to my class. As I'm walking to class, Emma slouches. She looks horrible. About halfway on the stairwell, she falls to her knees.

I immediately rush towards her. "Emma, are you okay? Why don't you go sit in the nurses office and rest, I'll tell Mrs. Simson for you" I try to reassure her. "No, it's fine.. I'm okay" She says before getting up to her feet and continuing.

She most definitely did not look or sound fine.

After first period, I head to my locker to grab a few things. As I'm doing this, Hannah walks up to me with a cheerful smile. "Hey Jason, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house after school. Then we can head to the carnival together. I'll drive you" She suggests.

"Oh, sure why not" I respond.

Actually, I don't mind. I'm kind of interested to see her place, since I never have before. Plus, I didn't have a ride to the carnival either. "Okay, meet me at the front entrance after school" She says before walking away.

After my last class, I head towards the front entrance looking around. I feel someone poke my shoulder, and I turn around and see no one in my eyesight. She then pokes my other one, and I turn completely around and see her stand there. She laughs a little before grabbing her keys.

We get in her car and she starts driving. "So, what have you been up to lately" She asks me. "Nothing really, I just got back from that trip to NYC" I respond. "Oh yea, I heard about that! You were bunked with Flynn right?" She questions. "Yeah, it was nice there, I had a lot of fun" I respond. "Well then why do you look so sad? She blurts out.


"w-well, I don't mean to it's just The trip brings back a lot of memories and emotions. Remember my sister Emma? She had to go to the hospital after she collapsed on a beach. They told us everything was fine, but then not a day later they told us about a whole bunch of tests that they gave her. All of them came back negative except for one. She was diagnosed with Lung cancer.. That's why I have been so edgy lately." I tell her with a pained look in my eyes.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. "I'm glad you told me this.. Who else have you told?" She asks me. "Well, I've told you and Flynn. I'm not sure if Ericka and the rest of them know, though. It's not something I like talking about" I respond.

She nods her head in understanding.

She heads into a nice looking neighborhood, and parks on the street. We both exit the car, and I follow her towards a rather nice looking house.

Too nice.

"Nice Place" I say in a mumble. She smiles at me and opens her door, signaling me in. As I walk up to her house, I notice a nice green lawn, with flowers in little patches around the house. It's almost as nice as Flynn's house. Well, plant wise. The exterior and interior both looked huge.

I walk inside and she heads into a room. "Make yourself at home!" She shouts from afar. I take off my shoes and head to whatever room she walked into.

She was digging in a drawer, grabbing clothes. "I'm going to take a quick shower, then we'll head out" She says to me with a smile. "Alright" I say.

"You can look around or whatever you want, just don't go in my parent's room across the hall" She says to me before walking away into a smaller room that I assume is a bathroom.

I do as she says, and explore the place. I see some photos sitting around and peek at them. For some reason, even though we were really close a few years ago, it feels like I barely know her now. But of course, there's bound to be some gaps since we haven't talked in so long. I'm not stressing about it.

I walk towards the back of the house, to a glass siding door. The kitchen is across the living room area. The kitchen has wooden flooring, leading into a lighter colored carpet in the living room. The living room then leads out to the glass sliding door. I step outside, standing on the porch.

This really is a nice house.. Can't relate.

After about twenty minutes, she emerges from the bathroom, heading to another room to change. She walks out with fresh clothes, looking rather expensive as well. She sees me looking at some more of the pictures hanging up.

"That one's me and my grandma when we went to Disney Land" She says to me with a soft voice and a slight smile. "Oh, that's cool maybe I can meet her sometime" I say with a half smile. "Her smile fades, and she looks a little bit sad.

"Well, how about we head out now" She says with a gleam in her eyes. I can't tell what her eyes are saying. Normally, people's eyes say everything. If that person is sad, angry, happy, excited, etc. Hannah's eyes had no emotion.

"But the carnival doesn't start for another hour" I say to her. "Yeah I know, but you wanted to meet my grandma" She says and signals me to follow. We get inside her car and she drives off once more.


That's the end for this chapter! Hopefully I didn't have too many grammar issues. I usually go back and edit each chapter AFTER publishing. Please don't hesitate to point out any errors in the comments, I love constructive criticism! Just please don't be rude or irritating. Otherwise, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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