13. The Plane Ride

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Make sure you vote and comment! I enjoy the feedback. I know it seems like the book is progressing slow, but I guarantee, everything so far has been for the good of the plot. With that said, enjoy the chapter and have a great day! :)

*Pictured above: Jason*

*Flynn's POV*

I wake up to the turbulence from the weather. I look out the window, past Larson. The wind slams against the plane wings, creating heavier turbulence. The Pilot turns on the seatbelt sign.

This weather is annoying..

I lay my head back down, trying to fall asleep again. The plane ride was about seven hours. After a while of attempting to sleep, The pilot goes over the speaker with an important announcement.

"We're nearing the halfway point of the flight. Since there is so much bad weather ahead, unfortunately we will have to delay the rest of the flight. We will be landing at a halfway checkpoint airport. Everyone please be ready to exit once we land."

The Pilot's announcement startled a lot of people. Jason woke up, lifting his head slightly. His face turned red, noticing he was laying against me. I stared in his eyes and he pressed his face in my chest out of embarrassment.

He's so cute when sleeping.. Too bad the Pilot's announcement woke him

After we landed, the Pilot made another announcement. "We'll be stopping here until the weather ahead clears. The airport will make a building wide announcement, stating to wait near the plane's entrance. Everyone will board just like earlier today."

He says, as people from the front start exiting the plane. I look over to Jason, who looks scared shitless.

I look at him with a reassuring smile and grab his hand.

Author's note: #Goals (Can't relate)

After we exit the plane, I see Mark DIP.

He ran faster than a fucking cheetah. But why was he running?

I look around, and see Ericka step off the plane, dashing extremely fast in the direction Mark ran.


That's just great. RIP Mark. Me and Larson sat down on a nearby bench with Troy, Emily and Emma, waiting for Mark's inevitable death.

*Ericka's POV*

After the pilot finished his announcement, I was at a very happy and annoyed state. Annoyed because I'm tired of being on this dumb ass plane surrounded by people I don't like. Well, except the usual gang. But all these sweaty ass bodies made it uncomfortable.

However! I am happy because I know I can beat the shit out of Mark now, rather than later. In fact, maybe later I'll deal with his dumb ass teammates. They got me bent. They got my husband bent. They got all of us bent and now I'm about to fuck shit up. I'm not playin these games hoe.

I step off the plane, scanning the area as I see Mark running towards the escalators. By instinct, I dip towards him.

He looks back at me in disbelief when he sees that I caught up with him. "That's right hoe! You might be on the football team but I'm a bad bitch! I don't play these games! Stop running f*****g Hoe!"

He runs down the escalators, pushing people away. I decide to take the stairs, and avoid all the useless people standing on the escalators. He looks back again and his eyes widen. After stepping off the stairs, I follow him into the men's restroom. He probably ran in there thinking I wouldn't follow.

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