29. The First Phase

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Hey everyone! Thanks for making it this far. Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and share! Votes help boost the chance for additional chapters, and potentially a second book. Thanks!

*Hannah's POV*

I hurry to the store and grab some black spray paint. My car is white, so this should work well.
Since I skipped the rest of school, I will have to spray my car somewhere isolated from everything. I'll drive back to the school, taking backroads.

I'll invite everyone out to eat at a nice restaurant, and then I'll talk to Troy and Mark about the second phase.

I leave the store and head out the my car, with the black spray paint in my hand.

Time to get to work.

*Flynn's POV*

After lunch, I look around for Jason. I find him at the vending machine. "Jason, you just had lunch why are you buying snacks?" I question him.

"Well, I love snacks.. But I was actually trying to get a soda" He responds. I chuckle a little and rustle his hair.

"Anyways, have you seen Hannah?" He ask, trying to change the subject out of embarrassment. "Uh, I seen her earlier but I haven't seen her recently" I respond.

speaking of which, where is Hannah? I haven't seen her since earlier in lunch.

Oh well, I shrug it off and head to my next class, and then to my final class of the day.

I look at my phone, seeing a text from Troy. "Hannah said that she wants to treat everyone out to eat! I'm hungry so I already said yes. Are you and Jason in? Mark already agreed. I'm not sure about Ericka and Emily, though.

"Emily is in my class right now, I'll ask her and Ericka. But yeah, I'll go I guess" I respond.

After the bell rings, I approach Emily. "Hey Emily, Hannah wants to treat everyone out to eat. Do you wanna come?" I Ask her. "Sure, why not?" She says with a smile. "Alright, meet everyone at the main entrance. I'll text Ericka and Emma" I say to her, as she walks away.

I scroll through my phone and find Ericka's contact. "Everyone is going out to eat, Hannah's treat. Are you down?" I type in my phone, sending the message. Almost immediately, she responds.
"Yes hoe! Free food, tf?" The text reads.

"Alright, meet everyone at the main entrance" I respond.

"Hey everyone is going out to eat, wanna come?" I text Emma.

"No, I'm gonna pass on this one sorry! I'll see you later though" She responds. I shrug my shoulders and head to the main entrance, as everyone is already there. I see Jason sitting down, beside Troy and Emily.

Hannah is talking with Ericka and Mark. As I approach, Ericka calls out to me.

"Hey hoe! Let's get some free food! Woo!" She says, swinging her arms for me to hurry up. I laugh at her silliness. Guys how about we take a group picture? I wanna show my mom, she's been bugging about seeing all of you" I suggest.

"Yeah! I think that's a great idea" Emily responds. Jason laughs.

We all get in formation, with Jason in the front, kneeling on one knee. since I'm taller, I act as the middle man. Hannah stays on the edge of the picture, and Emily takes out a selfie stick. I hand her my phone and she equips it on the selfie stick.

Before she takes the picture, I lean down and wrap both of my arms around Jason in front of me. He looks nervous, but relaxes inside my arms.

"Cheese!" Emily says, taking a few pictures.

"I blinked!" Ericka shouts in frustration. We all laugh, and head to Hannah's car. We continue talking, and laughing at dumb comments that Ericka would make.

As we approach Hannah's car, we all freeze immediately. Her car had been tagged with black paint.

"What the fuck?" Ericka says in confusion. I look around the group, noticing everyone looks shocked and confused.

The spray paint reads "Kill Yourself Just Like Your Grandma"

We look at the other side of the car and it reads "Whore Family"

I look over at Hannah and she looks petrified. I step towards her, and she looks back at me with tears in her eyes. "Hannah it's okay-" I try to reassure her, but she runs off, behind the school.

I look at everyone else who are equally as concerned. "I'm gonna go talk to her" I say before trailing behind Hannah.

"Hannah?" I say while walking up to her, sitting beside her. "Hannah it's okay, if you want I can pay for your car to get re-painted" I try to reassure her.

"It's not the car, It's what was written.. I can't believe someone would write those things on my car" She says with tears running down her face. I pull her into a hug, trying to calm her.

"I promise if I find whoever did this, they will pay" I say to her in a steady voice. "Can we just go to the restaurant? I promised everyone I would treat them.." She says in concern, with teary eyes.

"Alright, let's go. We can take my car" I say to her, pulling her to her feet. We walk back to the parking lot, getting in my car and signaling for everyone else to follow.

We arrive at the restaurant, and are seated immediately. I order my food, along with everyone else.

I look over to Jason, noticing he's a little on edge. I grab his hand, trying to reassure him. "Everything okay Jason?" I ask him with a calm voice.

"Yeah I'm f-fine" He says with a shaky voice.

*Jason's POV*

After seeing Hannah's car, I was terrified. Who would have done this? A better question; Who even knew about her parents or grandma? Did she tell anyone else?

Extremely terrified and shocked, I take a deep breath. I hope Hannah's okay..

We leave the school, in Flynn's car. We head to the restaurant and are seated. I tense up at the atmosphere, and Flynn grabs my hand to reassure me. "Everything okay Jason?" He asks me with a steady voice.

"Year I'm f-fine" I respond. after a minute or two if silence, Hannah looks at me with a death glare. "How could you? She says with disgust in her voice. She looks at me with angered and death-like eyes. She gets up, and walks out of the restaurant.

"What's going on?" Flynn questions me.
I'm too petrified to respond, so I sit there looking like a lost soul. He then stands up, exiting the restaurant. Ericka and Emily both look at me with confusion and shock.



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