1. My Big Fat Crush

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It has come to my attention that The Perfect Match could use some serious editing. I have started that process already. Due to this, all chapters will be edited and republished. Please note: These edits DO NOT effect the story, just minor grammar and writing errors. Feel free to reread, if you want. Either way, The Perfect Match is the book you all still know and love. Thank you!

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*pictured above: Flynn*

*Jason's POV*

My name is Jason West Larson. For the past few years, my sister and I have been dealing with my extraordinarily horrible foster parents. They are a middle aged couple who don't give a damn about me or Emma. It's whatever, I can't really blame; I don't give a damn about them either and I'm sure Emma feels the same.

I became a victim of bullying in middle school. I had really hoped it would stop in high school, but it didn't. I've dealt with it for a long time now, so I know how to cope with it; the tormenting feels pretty normal at this point.

Shockingly enough, that's not the real issue, though. What is? Flynn Kessler, that's what.

Ever since eighth grade he has avoided me like his life depended on it. Let me explain: In middle school, Flynn and I were best friends. Even better of friends, though, were Flynn and Hannah. They were inseparable. Long story short, I started dating Hannah. After about a month of being with her, to everyone's surprise, I started eyeballing Flynn. Did I already mention that Flynn and Hannah were best friends? Yeah. This was bad. Even worse? I was straight, or so I thought... But what was I supposed to do? Just accept the fact that I'll never be with Flynn while being in fake relationship? No thanks.

After spending way too much time thinking it over, I decided it was in my best interest to break off things with Hannah. I didn't want to hurt her or deceive her, so I told her that I had feelings for someone else. I didn't, however, tell her that it was Flynn. After breaking up with her, I decided to tell Flynn how I truly felt for him, and boy was that a mistake.

He seriously didn't take it well. He told me, and I quote, "You broke up with Hannah because you have feelings for me, and didn't even have the decency to tell her it was me? You knew nothing would come out of this, and now she's more hurt than ever. How can you live with yourself?"

"Well what was I supposed to do Flynn? I didn't want to lie to her or be in a meaningless relationship. I had no choice." I responded.

The next night, Hannah called Flynn and started balling her eyes out. The goal was never to hurt her, but I guess it doesn't really matter because after that, Flynn was pissed.

Not a few minutes later, I received a text from Flynn: "Hannah just called me and explained everything. You seriously hurt her. She doesn't deserve any of this and if you think I'm going to stay your friend after this, you're out of your mind. I don't want to talk to you or even look at you so stay away from me and Hannah both."

I wanted so desperately to text him back and try to fix things between us, but he had blocked my contact. I was so upset, but after a while things calmed down and time just went on.

Ok, now you're all caught up so lets get back to the present. I'm a 10th grader, going into 11th grade. Flynn has ignored me ever since that night in middle school, not that I've tried talking to him either though... that was until today.

We have a couple classes together this year, not by choice (believe me, we both tried to change classes, but everything was full). Worst of all? We're stuck in English with each other. Most of the time it would be easy to avoid each other, even being in the same classes. However, the teacher assigned a partner based project.

Seeing how I was like human repellant, no one wanted to partner with me, which I was didn't have a problem with. Mr. Wack-Hoe, however, did. Flynn was absent the day the teacher assigned partners, leaving just us two without anyone to pair with. The next day he came to class and the teacher told us we had to work together or get a zero. Just great... Not. I still wanted nothing to do with him even IF he's nicer and funnier and hotter than he was in middle school.

He thought the same thing, and tried to make a group of three with a different group, but Mr. Dumb-B***h didn't allow it. The assignment was about "pressing matters" around the school. Recycling, littering, cafeteria food, you get the picture. We were all forced to pick one issue out of a hat and present that issue on a poster or slideshow in front of the class.

Pretty stupid, right? This whole class was already a waste of my time, but I wasn't about to cause a scene. I walked up to the front of the room, and reached into the hat. I grabbed a piece of paper and began to unfold it. Guess what we got? That's right. "Bullying." Just my luck. As if life wasn't hard enough being paired with this hot ass hunk who I despise.

I know we aren't on good terms, but not even I can't deny that his figure was jaw-dropping.

The presentation is due in a couple days, and we only have an hour of work time in class, so I'm stuck with him in AND out of school. Boy am I excited.

Flynn's POV

Ugh! I can't believe I was paired with that jackass. I want nothing to do with him, and he knows it. I tried my best to convince Mr. Kurt otherwise, but she refused. When Jason pulled the paper out of the hat to get out topic, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"What did we get?" I asked him.

He turned the slip over for me to read: bullying.

I wonder what he was so shocked about? It's just a presentation. After class that day, I decided to be an adult, and talk to him seeing how our presentation was due in a couple days. I was not about to fail, so I gave him my new number. We agreed to head over to my place in order to start our project. I didn't like the thought of it but like I said, I'm not going to fail.

After getting home from school, I noticed my father was still at work and my mother was probably off God knows where. She always disappears at the most random times, but I'm relieved.

Finally... some time to myself.

I head to the bathroom, grab a towel, and strip. The hot water pouring down my back felt amazing, especially after this stressful day. As I'm finishing up, I hear a knock on the front door.

Oh great.

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