31. The Third Phase

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Hey everyone! Thanks for making it this far. Enjoy the chapter and dont forget to vote, comment and share! Votes help boost the chance for additional chapters, and potentially a second book. Thanks!

I sit there, motionless next to Flynn who looks equally as angry as Ericka, the only difference being Flynn controlling himself.

I sit there a bit longer, hearing Ericka's shouts and screams echo through the hallways while looking for Jason.

Her screams of terror and rage are like music to my ears.. I can't wait for what happens next.

*Jason's POV*

I hear shouts resonating throughout the hallways. It sounds like Ericka.

What's going on?

Ericka spots me in the hallway and rushes towards me. Ericka is everything oka-" I'm cut off as she punches me in the face, crying in tears. "I can't believe you! You really need to mind your own f*****g business!" She screams at me and storms away sobbing.

I'm baffled, and extremely shook. What is happening?

The rest of the day, everyone ignores me. I hear gossiping in the halls about some guy named Derek and Ericka. I ask around a bit and come to the conclusion that this kid, Derek hurt Ericka by cheating or something, and that Ericka blamed me for some reason? I'm not entirely sure to be honest.

After school, I get a text from Hannah asking to meet me at door C near the side entrance.

I walk to the door, and see her leaning against the wall. "You asked me here?" I say in confusion. "Yeah, I want you to come over. I want to talk about everything, so we can put it all behind us" She says with a pained look.

"Alright I guess.. Right now?" I ask. "Yeah, my car's out here" She responds. We approach her car, and I notice she's in a different car than yesterday. Figures. She's rich, so she can just switch like that..

We stop at a nearby fast food joint and she buys a soda. The guy in the drive threw hits ok Hannah, and she looks irritated. "What's your name?" He asks her. "None of your business what's yours?" She asks sarcastically. "I'm Blake" He responds.

"I wasn't serious, but whatever" She says with an irritated tone before driving off.

We approach her house and she gets out, signaling me to follow. I do, and she runs in the house, shutting the door. I run towards the door and try to open it. "Are you okay? I ask in concern. "One second" She replies.

I pace around the area, looking at the scenery. Suddenly I hear a shout from inside. "You can enter through the garage! The code is 1264" She shouts from inside. I walk up to the garage pin-pad and enter the code. The garage opens and I enter the house.

I wonder why she's being so weird..

*Hannah's POV*

I invite Jason over to my house, for the last time. I have to finish the third phase, in order for everything to come together. I lock him out of the house on purpose. I head upstairs and look at the computer at the desk, I click record, and mute on the computer.

Now I have video footage of Jason at my house uninvited.. Well he technically was invited, but he has no proof of that. I hear him try to open the door, so I shout the garage code numbers and tell him to enter. I see him walk towards the garage, struggling to get the code right. Eventually the garage door opens, and he walks inside.

Perfect. That's all I need. Time to send him home, I don't want him here anymore. I double check the security cameras, and make sure the video is muted. So long as no one turns the mute off, it just looks like Jason chasing after me, and me locking him out. It also makes it look like he broke into my garage, uninvited. I save the footage to my phone and in the security system.

I walk downstairs, and break the news to Jason. "You know what? I don't want to talk about this right now. I'll call you an Uber to get you home" I say to him. He looks at me in concern. "I don't understand what happened between us. Why are you doing this? What is the point?" He asks me.

"You don't deserve Flynn Kessler. Your a peasant. You're as good as dirt to me, and I'm not going to allow you to be in mine or Flynn's life anymore. You don't deserve it. So don't try to talk to me, or him anymore. He hates you right now, and so does Ericka. After all, you're the one that called her a whore who wants to get in all the football players pants. You also tagged my car, so why would I want to have anything to do with you? Oh wait.. I did all those things. Guess it doesn't matter though, since everyone thinks you're the one that did it. You might as well transfer schools at this point" I say to him in disgust.

He tears up, walking to the door. "You know what? I was beginning to accept you.. I was beginning to think I found someone I can finally trust. I should have known better. And I wish what we had was real. I wish what we had could be fixed. All I can say is that I'm sorry Hannah." He says, exiting the door. He walks into the Uber's car and drives off.

About twenty minutes later, I call Flynn in a panic. "Hello?" He answers.

"Flynn.. Please.." I say, while crying. "W-what's wrong Hannah?" He asks in concern. "I-" Struggling to speak, I stutter and mumble over my words. "Hannah, I can't understand you please calm down" He tries to say to me.

"Please come over.. I can't live with myself.. Jason harassed me" I say in muffled cries.

I hear a beep, as he hangs up the phone.

Perfect. I position myself on the ground, and prepare my acting skills. I hear a car pull into the driveway.

It's time..

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