28. An Unexpected Collaboration

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"I wanted to thank you, I had a lot of fun today" I say with a smile. "No problem!" She responds.

After our little hang out, I walk inside and head to sleep.

What a fun day.. I hope me and Hannah can be friends forever" I think to myself, and drift off to sleep.

*Hannah's POV*

The next day, I drive to school and meet up with Troy and Mark. "Guys, we need to talk" I say to them. They both look at me with a confused expression. "Okay?" Troy responds.

"Well, not right now.. We can talk in lunch" I say with a smile and head to my first class.

Basically, my teacher is a b***h to everyone.. But I love it! I mean, some of the people here actually deserve what's coming to them.

After my first period, I head to my second period, which was actually kind of interesting. I couldn't wait for lunch though, since I'm starving as shit.

I walk in the lunch room and see Jason sitting with Ericka, Emma, Troy, Mark, and Emily. I took my tray and sat down next to them. "What's up guys" I say with a smile. "Hey hoe!" Ericka says to me. We all laugh. I noticed since my time here that Ericka is really funny. She's also a leader, which means that the rest of them follow around her.

Actually, the biggest leader here is the one and only Flynn Kessler. He's like the top dog of the school. Everyone listens to what he has to say and wouldn't dare judge him. The difference between Ericka and Flynn? I would have to say that people judge Ericka, but she just doesn't give a shit about other people's opinion.

In Flynn's case, people don't judge him, and even if they do, it's for positive reasons. He's seen as the school celebrity. Jason however, is seen as the school punching bag. Complete opposite. Maybe that's why they ended up developing feelings for each other?

Either way, things should work smoothly.

After everyone finished eating, I stood up and head to the nearest abandoned class, noticing the lights are off. I take out my phone and text Mark and Troy both.

"Guys, I'm in Mrs. Johnson's room, come on we need to talk" I text both of them. A few minutes later, they both arrive and close the door behind them. "Okay so what's the move" Troy says with excitement.

"Well, you guys were right.. Flynn and Jason are way too close. I didn't realize how serious they were when you guys called me from the airport that day.. Did you actually buy Jason a gift?" I ask them.

"What? No way!" Mark responds. "Yeah, we just had to think of something fast because Ericka showed up out of nowhere" Troy responds.

"Okay well, either way we need a plan. It's going to take a lot to get Flynn and Jason apart. If we're going to make this a success, then we need to change BOTH Ericka and Flynn's perspective on Jason. We have to make them hate him with a passion. But they have to hate him together, otherwise it won't work. Ericka is best friends with Jason and Flynn loves him. That's the issue. So any ideas?" I ask them.

"We can kidnap Jason and then leave a note on Flynn's car asking for ransom!" Mark responds.

"Are you stupid? That won't work. That will just make them worry" Troy responds.

I think a bit before responding. "I got it! How about we set a trap for Jason and say that he sexually harassed me? Then I'll go to Flynn crying. He's sure to take my side then" I say to them.

"That could work.. But what about Ericka? Plus, I don't think they would just toss Jason aside based on that.. No offence Hannah" Troy responds.

"Okay then.. we need something before I do that.. Maybe something that will make Ericka and Flynn question Jason's actions? Then we can finish it off with my sexual harassment!" I say to them. They look at each other, and nod their heads in agreement.

"Alright. But how are we going to make Ericka and Flynn question Jason?" I ask them.

"Well, let's think. Jason is very shy and very easily intimidated. He will do anything for his friends, Ericka and Flynn. If I learned anything while in NYC, I know that for sure" Troy says with an annoyed voice.

"I got it!" I'm going to spray paint on my car, then we can blame it on Jason" I say with a devious smile.

"Hannah, they won't believe that Jason was the one that did it. They know him too well" Mark says.

"But the thing is, they don't know me at all. I'm going to write something only Jason knows about me. Then it makes it a hundred times more believable" I say to them.

"Then after that, we'll mess with Ericka. If I recall, she has been talking to this boy? We can use that." I respond. They both nod their heads.

"Okay, so first: My spray painted car, second: Ericka's crush, third: My sexual harassment. After I spray paint my car, I'll look shocked and extremely depressed. I'll make sure everyone in our group is present. I'll invite everyone to do something after school, and when we head to my car? That's when the first phase will happen. I'll run off, and Flynn will chase me, being the really good person he is. I'll text you guys the rest of the details." I respond.

"Alright everyone. As of now, our plan takes action" I say and we all leave the room.

I skip the rest of the day, and head to the closest supply store.

I'm going to need some spray paint..

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