34. No More

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Hey everyone! Thanks for making it this far. Enjoy the chapter and dont forget to vote, comment and share!

*As a warning, this chapter contains graphic content*

*Pictured above: "Our Place" inside of a storm*

I wake up in an unfamiliar room with a pounding in my head."Where am I?" I question in a very feint voice.

I look around, and see Dr. Smith sitting on the side of the bed about a foot from me. "What's going on?" I question.

"Dr. Smith what happened?" I ask her.

"Jason.. I'm so sorry.." She says with a soft voice, grabbing my hand. "Where's Emma?" I ask her out of confusion.

"Can I see her? I want to talk to my sister" I say with a very pained voice. She looks at me with pity and tightens her grip around my hand.

"Jason, I'm so sorry. We tried everything but we couldn't.." I look at her with pained eyes as tears fall from my face.

"Emma didn't make it" She says with sadness while pulling me into a hug.

*Jason's POV*

Hearing those words Echo through my mind as Dr. Smith embraces me with a hug.

She reaches in her pocket, pulling out a phone. She sets it in my hand before speaking. "Emma told me to give you this earlier today if anything happened" She says to me.

I clench her phone in my hand and stand up before walking out of the room. I exit the hospital with tears in my eyes.

The rain pours down on my as I exit the hospital with only one thing in mind. The water rushes down from the clouds. Rain droplets strike me, feeling like hale with each strike. I hear thunder and strikes of lightning.

I chug my legs that feel like weights holding me in place. I enter an ally nearby and lean against a small building. I sniffle my nose and run my hands over my eyes to rid the tears that continue straming down my face.

I hear voices in the distance, still sniffling my nose. "Hey kid, what are you doing looking so sexy for?" A group of about five or six men approach me. I stay leaning against the building while looking down at my shoes, ignoring their voices as much as possible.

One of them grabs my wrist, and pins me against the wall. "You seem to like that wall so much, why won't you answer our questions you little fag?!"

The tears still streaming down my face, I take a deep breath. It's not the first time I've been called that. I've had a very hard couple years throughout my life. And for all that time, Emma has been the one to help me overcome the darkness. At least until now..

I suddenly feel a coursing pain resonate through the side of my body. One of them had kicked me, extremely hard. That's definitely going to leave a bruise. "Answer us you little whore" One of them spits, punching me across the face. I fall to the ground, clenching my fists tightly. Not because of the punch. And not because of the humiliation, but the fact that I'm not fighting back.

After multiple punches and kicks to my fragile body, I become dizzy. "Hey hold him straight!" I hear one of them say, as the two guys position me against the wall. "If you won't answer then I'll just take what I want and you won't have a say" He says, pressing his hand against my crotch.

I gasp lightly, but before I can do anything, I feel his fist collide with my face. "You didn't want to talk earlier why start now ? Just sit there like the bitch you are" He says to me in a cruel voice. He unbuttons my pants, sliding his hand down my pants.

Am I being sexual assaulted?

The storm continues, pouring down on the streets.

After five minutes, I'm pressed against the cement building. The tears don't cease streaming down my face. No matter what happens, I cannot find the strength to fight back. I go completely limp, letting his goons force me against my will.

After multiple tears and whimpers, I hear him unzip his pants. My eyes widen in shock and I then try to free myself from the wall I'm being pinned to. While trying to get free, one of them punches me in the gut. "Don't move fag" He spits at me while securing me against the cement.

Seconds later, I feel two hands grab onto my waist. The man slides down my pants against my will. "Please stop" I say under my breath, only audible for me to hear. My fists clench and I close my eyes, hoping to avoid the inevitable.

Whimpers and sobs erupt from me as the man doesn't stop, but continues his assault. One of his goons punches me in the stomach once more. "Quit your crying, your a fag aren't you? You should love this treatment" He says to me with an irritated and disgusted tone.

After he punches me, I start to cough uncontrollably. I look at the cement that's stained with blood from my coughing. The men harassing me seemed to have noticed, muttering words under their breath. "Oh shit!" and "We should leave man, this is getting too risky" I hear them say before they release me from their grip.

I fall to the hard street in the middle of the ally. The man that assaulted me pulls up his pants before running off to his goons. But by the time they had left, the damage was done. I lay helpless on the ground, utterly broken inside.


I wake up, to the rain pounding against my face. I crawl over to the nearest structure, lifting myself off the ground. I must have been out for an hour at the least.. The storm still hasn't stopped.

Exhausted, I pull myself down the street with only one destination in mind.

I stand in the distance, the scent of sea salt and water fill my nose.

I come face to face with a large and terrifying sight. The sea water bashes against the large dock, creating loud noise. The rain doesn't stop shooting down from the sky.

I look at the Large dock, noticing the sharp rocks near the bottom of the powerful ocean. Thunder echoing my ears, I approach the dock.

I cross my arms, as if I'm curdling a baby. Slowly, I take one step at a time.

Why did Emma have to go? Why couldn't it have been me instead?

Emma has been the one to always be there for me throughout all of my years. She's been the person to always comfort me, and now she's gone. What else can I do?

Flynn and Ericka hate me. I don't even know what I did wrong. All I know is that I let them down. I can't live with myself knowing that I hurt everyone I care about.

As if losing Emma wasn't enough, now I can't go to anyone. Flynn hates me, my best friends abandoned me.

"I don't want to feel this pain anymore!" I shout into the never ending sky, as the storm continues. The harsh wind almost pushing me off of my feet with each step. Tears and rain blur my vision. The waves collide against the dock, splashing all over the place.

No more. No more pain and no more suffering. No more lies, no more abandonment. No more tears, no more disappointment. No more bullies, no more getting taken advantage of. No more hardship and no more broken hearts.


My feet stop in their tracks as I reach the end of the dock. Sobs and whimpers escape my feeble body. I stare down into the sea, noticing the large rocks and harsh waves.

Just one step..

The Perfect MatchOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz