26. The carnival

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Hey everyone! Thanks for making it this far. Enjoy the chapter and dont forget to vote, comment and share! Votes help boost the chance for additional chapters, and potentially a second book. Thanks! (This chapter is longer than most).

"But the carnival doesn't start for another hour" I say to her. "Yeah I know, but you wanted to meet my grandma" She says and signals me to follow. We get inside her car and she drives off once more.

*Jason's POV*

Hannah pulls up to a very nice looking building, parking her car. She gets out and nudges for me to follow. I then stand up and proceed, continuing behind her. As we are walking in the building, I notice it's almost like a church, but extremely large. "so u-um, where's your grandma?" I question her. She looks back at me with saddened eyes. "This way" She responds.

She continues, and she stops in front of two large doors. "I just want to say that I might get a bit emotional from here on.. Just a heads up" She warns me, opening the two large doors. Behind the doors was a very large and wide fence gate. A black metal fence stretches long over the property.

We're at a cemetery.

She approaches the graves, signaling for me to follow. We arrive at a bigger grave, with flowers and ribbons attached to it. She leans down, sitting on her knees in front of the grave and starts to cry.

Her grandma is dead?

"I-I'm so sorry Hannah.." I say while leaning down to her, grabbing her hand that's trembling on the grass below us.

I know this feeling all too well..

"I'm glad you showed me this though. It means we're starting to trust each other again.." I respond with a shaky voice.

"But you're not alone. I know how it feels to lose someone.. I lost both my parents when I was younger. Me and Emma both. It's just been us our entire lives, and while I've accepted that fact.. It still hurts to know that they didn't want me or her." I say with tears pooling in my eyes.

"And now, Emma's struggling with her health and there isn't anything nobody can do about it. I mean, I've always had her to lean on my entire life.. What am I going to do without her? She's always taken care of me and vice versa" I explain to her.

She looks up at me with saddened eyes before pulling me into a hug.

Perhaps me and her were more similar than I'd like to admit.. I haven't even told Flynn about my parents, or about mine and Emma's current foster care situation. Why did I tell Hannah?

Even after knowing, and connecting with Flynn more than I ever thought possible, I still wasn't able to tell him this part of my life. So then why did I just admit everything to Hannah?

I don't know that answer myself..

Maybe because I can relate to her? As much as I would like to deny it, me and Flynn are completely different. Hannah obviously knows what it feels like to carry this weight around. Even though I know that I'm very close to him, he probably wouldn't understand. Because of this, I'm glad that I'm getting the opportunity to reconnect with her.

We sit there for about fifteen minutes, taking in the sadness, and letting it out.

After we finish crying together, we head back to her car. She then starts driving off, in the direction of the carnival.

*Flynn's POV*

After school, I found Emma and offered her a ride to the carnival. She accepted, but I told her I would need to stop at my house to grab something first. As I walk inside the house, my mom immediately swarms me. "Oh hun, when is Jason coming back here?" My mom asks me. "Mom, please. I don't know but he'll be over eventually" I respond. I swear she loved him more than her own son sometimes..

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