15. Kessler's Truth

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This chapter is dedicated to Ericka, and Flynn. Enjoy! And please don't forget to vote for a second book!

*Pictured above: Flynn*

*Flynn's POV*

After exploring the hotel with Emily, Ericka and Emma I decide to go look for Jason. This place is huge! I heard there was a free tour from a teacher after she gave me my room key. Thankfully, I'm bunked with Larson.

I'm not sure why but I always set down my guard when I'm with him. It's like he immediately makes my mood better no matter what. I take the paper out, walking outside the hotel. Larson's probably going to be happy we're bunked together. I am.

I walk outside, and see Jason across a fountain. I grow a big smile while closing the distance between us. As I walk closer, I see him with his lips pressed against Troy. I stand there for a minute, trying to figure out if what was commencing before my eyes is in fact true.

"W-" I try to speak, but nothing comes out. Why do I feel this way? As soon as I seen him kiss Troy, my heart sunk and my eyes widened.

Does this mean they're both gay? Why would Jason hide this from me?

I don't know what to say. My eyes become damp, and swollen. I walk away without saying a word.

Why do I feel this way?

Do I actually like him?..

So many thoughts race through my head as I trail through the lobby not noticing anyone call me. "Kessler!" I hear someone yell, but continue walking. I head to my room, but someone stops me in the hallway.

I turn around to see Ericka standing in front of me. "Why are you crying?" She asks. I put my fingers up to my damp face, as tears stream down from my eyes. "I- I don't know.. I.." I struggle to find the words and find myself In her embrace.

"Tell me what's wrong Flynn" She says with a straight face. "I- I think I just got my heart broken.." I say to her with tears still streaming down my cheeks. She leads me to her room and we both sit on the bed. "Tell me everything that happened" She says with a concerned voice.

I put my hands to my head, to avoid her having to see me crying. She wraps me in her arms, comforting me once more. "What's wrong hoe?" She asks.

I look up to her eyes and gather myself. "I- um.. I went looking for Larson, because I wanted to see if he wanted to go on the tour with me but.. he was kissing Troy. I don't know why I feel this way" I say, crying in her arms. "I mean aren't me and Larson friends? If so, then why do I feel this way?" I say with muffled words.

"Does this mean I'm gay?" I ask with concern and teary eyes. "I've only ever dated girls and me and him have only ever been friends.

Sure, he's fallen asleep on me a few times.

Sure, He's spent the night with me and woke up glued to my chest.

Sure, we've known each other for years and years, and

Sure we've gotten closer than I ever imagined possible.

But I can't be gay right? I don't know how to stop this feeling I have inside me" I say with tears still streaming down my face.

She looks at me with a stern look in her eyes and grabs my shoulders. "Look at my Flynn." She says to me very sternly. I look upwards, trying my best to avoid my tears. I try to speak, but again, nothing comes out.

"Flynn, are you listening to me?" She asks. I nod my head while looking into her eyes. "There is nothing wrong with being in love. It's a part of everyone and it does NOT matter who or which gender that person is" She responds.

"Do you love Jason? She questions me. "I-" She cuts me off. "No, stop. I already know that you love him. The thing is, if I know this why don't you?" She asks while staring into my eyes. She looks like she sees right through me. She sees through my jock cover, my thick shield that I wrap myself in every day.

"You're not going to be able to get through this on good terms if you don't accept the fact that you're in love with another guy" She says to me. "You don't have to come to terms with anything right now, but you should figure out what you feel for Jason, and tell him when the time is right." She says, holding my hand.

I take a second to gather my thoughts.

"Okay, thank you Ericka"

I say as she wraps me in a hug and looks back at me.

I clear my throat. "B-but what if no one accepts me-" I say as she cuts me off. "There's always going to be people that don't accept you, and that's okay" She says to me. "Just look at me, I'm myself a hundred percent and barely anyone likes me but do I care? No, because in the end it doesn't matter what they think or what they want. I'm happy with who I am so it's a win for me." She says to me while looking into my eyes.

"I didn't even know I had these feelings for him.. It's like everything surfaced before my eyes, when they kissed. I don't want these feelings Ericka. This is torture and I don't want it. I don't think I'm ready to come to terms with this, let alone tell him how I feel. If he rejects me, I'll be broken" I say in practically a whisper. She nods.

"I'm so conflicted with myself Ericka. What will people say if they find out I might like guys?" I question.

"Like I said, it doesn't matter what the fuck anyone thinks about you or Jason. It's your life and your heart. You don't have to face all of this right away either. You tell him when you're ready, okay? And if he truly has feelings for you then waiting a little bit for you to figure everything out shouldn't be an issue. Your heart chose him so there must be a reason" She responds.

"Plus, if anyone has a problem with it send them my way I'll f**k up their lives" She says with a smirk on her face. I can't help but laugh.

"Thank you Ericka" I say before giving her a big hug and leaving the room. What am I going to tell Larson? I can't just go out with it and tell him I love him. Can I? But I know I need to tell him I have some sort of feelings for him. Even if I don't know what they are at this moment. Even If he rejects me..

Later that night, I walk to my room, noticing Jason is already here laying on the bed. "Jason, I'm sorry for running off like that, but the thing is.. I was taken by surprise. I didn't know how to react to you and Troy. I didn't even know you were gay.. Anyways, I don't want this to complicate things between us. You're my best friend right? I say as he doesn't respond.

It feels weird referring to him as my friend. Do I want more than a friendship with him? I just don't know what to feel.

I walk closer to him, and see his eyes are shut. He's asleep.

Fuck.. I just don't know.

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